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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lmfao that's the thing. It always comes back to your self hatred. The "I'm the good black man!" bullshit you tell yourself. Who acts like he's the first and only black man to fly on an airplane or something. I don't think anyone getting a GTA game is looking for a serious portrayal of anyone. If you think some down low twink who acts like Uncle Ruckus licking dick for fun and speaking broken Japanese is a character people want... I'll wait and see.
  2. As for GTA V. Ultimately the black character becomes the main character. Michael and Trevor become cautionary paths he can find himself walking down as made evident by the end of the story. It's never actually presented that he isn't smart either. That's your prejudice that because of where he's from and his accent that he's just a dumb hood dude. Maybe next time they can make some weaboo clown that people laugh at in the street so you can feel a bond.
  3. Omg... You've been to EUROPE? did you fly on a plane too? Do you have running water and electricity too? Lol this fgt.
  4. Yes, my life is so bad that I'm bent out of shape 2 seconds of a butt shot was edited in a videogame. Oh, wait that's you fgts.
  5. GTA V online is really roping people in. I go in and it's usually just people arguing and trying to destroy each other.
  6. lol Ghostz never seen tits in person so he wouldn't know.
  7. So I'm still hooked on Ghost of Tsushima Legends. I've moved up to the more advanced match types. I love this game but the online matches can take up to an hour. Granted nearly everyone sticks around so it's not an issue but it's a fucking commitment. The other problem is the Raid missions. Again, great and it's got puzzles and platforms and forces teamwork but this is PSN. Like no one has a mic and this shit is super complex. After barely making it through my first raid mission I watched a video on how to do the second so I wasn't as much burden on my team as the first time around a
  8. There is no parallel. You do what you always do and conflate unrelated things on purpose to try and prove a point. You claim you love capitalism but always whine when you dont agree with something directly tied to it. But please, feel free to explain how they're related. It's been a minute since you made a fool of yourself.
  9. You know damn well that the cut scene camera is a fucking "easy" change. Definitely easier than rebuilding 3 whole games or creating an entirely new ending. Like are you not allowed to watch porn or something?
  10. Lol that nigga is mad stupid. Actually thinking his ignorance is confidence. They are literally laughing at him.
  11. Lol this entire issue is absurd. Grown fucking men are here complaining about 2 seconds of a butt shot being altered in a videogame. Does that really alter the experience of over 90 hours of gaming?
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