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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I don't think he really made many decisions for either since those are publicly traded companies so there's boards overseeing decisions. It was never Musk driving either of those entities and he's had a career of having his personal ideas overridden. He was a good face for the companies as the general public used to think he was real life Tony Stark. You see how this thread started with bot brains like Twinblade acting like he's some bastion of freedom and intelligence. The man bought twitter, fired over half of the staff to the point it was bare bones... Which his fa
  2. So Florida is now allowing Prager U videos to be used in school curriculum. Prager U has spent years making videos defending slavery, defending the Confederacy, and defending native American genocide. Pro-war, Anti Muslim, and anti Palestinian propaganda. Seems totally fine to let this be taught in school. Funny what conservatives promote when they get some power.
  3. Lol yes, you motherfuckers don't give a shit about women. Conservative men wool always be at odds with women not being 100 percent on board within what they "allow" women to do. Oh, jeez the thing I've been saying would happen for a year now is happening. Conservative pundits have been hyping up anti feminist talking points lately. Not even 4th wave feminism, they taking it back to 70s.
  4. It was a show that's been made tremendously more consumable due to streaming. It came on during peak TV viewer days and to make a show where you needed to follow every single episode in order, how do you survive in a secondary market where people would mostly just catch the shows randomly at odd hours? I could have never dealt with this waiting a week and having to catch an episode at a specific time.
  5. 😂 Aren't you banned from like every major videogame forum?
  6. Motherfucker barely paying rent and acting a fool lol. It's also funny how sad the advertising is on the site now. It's all cbd/thc gummies and crypto scams. He's made the site substantially worse in less than a year.
  7. Never in history has someone changed a unique capture like this before. No other social media site has their identity used as a verb...Google as well. So this is like Google changing their search engine name when everyone identifies searching the internet as "googling" .
  8. You mean literally the things I've been telling you for weeks? I also remember you complaining about it and calling it under handed. But of course you have no issue with it now. It's not even about that as much as you pretending it's genuine all this time. I've already said multiple times that I don't have an issue with him as a person, and I don't have an issue with him running, I do have issues with people thinking they can just be president in their third acts without having held any lower office previously. Especially some one trading off of a family name.
  9. Like I've said many times before, most Libertarians are retarded, so of course that's what you strive for. And I've already stated who and which Republicans. From another article: There’s nothing abnormal about a candidate getting a Super PAC, even a candidate making a long-shot bid like Kennedy’s. What is abnormal, however, is that Kennedy is running as a Democrat in the Democratic primary, while the creators of the Super PAC have a deeply pro-Donald Trump bent — including ties to arch-MAGA officials such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, George Santos, and Herschel Walker.
  10. Lol so the only ideological difference they have with the left is vaccine mandates? So weren't these people liberal before covid? You're so honest lol.
  11. They didn't want to use z as a sorry because people thought it was a porn site. Lol he's a genius everybody.
  12. Dark was actually pretty obnoxious about that. I remember him getting roasted for it.
  13. It's funny and shows how sad it is that social media controls how so many people think. The Barbie results is the result of certain people just reading Barbie hate content and getting upset by out of context lines or dumb shit like incels claiming that Margot Robbie isn't really that good looking anyway.
  14. Lol this perfectly sums up the conservative responses to Barbie. My favorite part is Candace Owens cosigning some incel that said Margot Robbie is a 7/10 at best looks wise.
  15. Why do you keep avoiding addressing why so many fringe right wingers are supporting him so much?
  16. Lol even if someone didn't know you, your respones tells us what kind of time you're on.
  17. Lol imagine being so toxic the people you've spent the better part of a decade interacting with ban you permanently.
  18. Yes, let's combine our banking, shopping, and social media into one place then let AI run it all. Also didn't Musk tell people not to trust AI?
  19. Protecting the norms is conservatism right? The one thing you never actually complain about.
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