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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. So you went from "you're twisting my words" to "enjoy your country as it burns?" lol OK. The thing is next week you will start this whole cycle again and pretend you're this down the middle common sense guy again.
  2. Since I'm petty I thought I would check out some of Cooke's greatest hits in this forum. Mind you these are only threads he's started and only like going through like 8 pages of this forum. This is the bulk of his topics. The rest are some Covid and corny ass celeb videos. Like none are actually critical of Republicans , Trump, Right Wing extremist at all. He has like two Trump threads, one is still some how insulting Biden, and the other is him sucking off Sam Harris appraisal of Trump supporters. Oh remember when I
  3. Also the fucking balls of Twinblade calling other people snowflakes for possessing humanity and empathy and I'd bet a dollar he's probably cried during a videogame cutscene before is hilarious.
  4. So did mine. My mother was 5 months pregnant when she got here and still found a job and worked until a week before I was born. Doesn't mean these people should be treated as subhuman. Funny how you have so much empathy for Donald Trump and the MAGA supremacist. Hey, you should post in Cooke's thread about multicultural whites or whatever silly shit.
  5. The most common phrase during all of this is "my president told us to come". Admittedly, that's their level of ignorance but this is what entitlement looks like. They really believe that Americans can do whatever they want as long as it's painted as patriotic. BLM isn't American to them. ANTIFA are Communist in their minds. You also have people like Ted Cruz telling them they are patriots on the level of Hamilton or Jefferson.
  6. I honestly think Cooke is being 100% serious and actually believes what he says. I've been saying for the past year he's unfittingly turned alt-right and unaware of it. He still thinks racism is only cross burning or saying "I hate ****ers" when in reality there's a spectrum. What Cooke consistently does is post white aggrieved topics. Post strictly from only his POV. Like claiming racism doesn't exist in Canada...coming from one of the whitest men in North America...thanks for your first hand confirmation? But also claims White people have it harder than people of color in Canada
  7. What's sad is that Cooke really thinks he's slick. Like this is going to be the one time people other than his MAGA posse will fall for it and not call him out. Like he pretends he's not a right winger but only exclusively post about how wacky, racist, sexist, and problematic Universities, movies, and liberals are, how old and frail Biden is, what hypocrites Dems are. How destructive ANTIFA is. Muslim teroritst. China's expansion. I don't think you've complained once in past year about anything you didn't perceive as a liberal problem. And by liberal problems, I mean
  8. Lol can't keep my balls out of your mouth. Baby dick bitch.
  9. Da fuck? You think we are saying this strictly because of your overreaction to this post? I love how you are claiming they are racist because you can't understand an opinion piece.
  10. Oh, the answer is you're racist and unable to realize it.
  11. I'll take that as you admitting your tactic is shitty and continue. Your problem is someone has to agree or disagree with this piece in it's entirety in your mind. Made worse by the fact that you are seemingly incapable of actually parsing information at a micro level on your own. So of course you read that article and the only thing that stuck in your mind is the stupid "Multicutural Whiteness" buzz word. There is no bigger enemy on the internet for aggrieved white guys than "liberal" buzz words. While I agree with the general message, and in fact lazily half explained in the Pro
  12. And what did I say that was hipster racism or whatever stupid shit you said? It's shocking how completely unselfaware you are.
  13. Haven't played a hitman game since the original Hitman 2.
  14. Lol it wasn't. But you're extremely and weirdly triggered by this game and by people enjoying it. I don't defend games. I just say how I feel about them. I don't knock anyone who didn't enjoy the game, especially if they have really bad glitches and bugs. In my 2 play throughs I only had one serious game breaking bug, which worked itself out but that's not something I expect someone else to look past. Also plenty of people love the game. Your biggest complaint about the game has seemingly been people calling it an RPG.
  15. I agree with Delita that I don't think you're a bad person, but you're definitely dense or something. Defundng the police has been explained you several times already and you keep making it sound like people are saying to have no police at all. Like unless you have a learning disability you're actively lying at this point because you want to be against police reform, almost certainly because you don't feel it affects you as a white nerd from CT. Even if your fantasy stat is correct, .1 of 50 million is 50k people dying needlessly. It's not only being killed, it's being unfairly t
  16. Only for people not paying attention. Pretty much every bad prediction for Trump has come true other than starting a war and he was always willing to do that if need be.
  17. So fucking what? I mean honestly do you really fucking care? You are so called concerned with Islamic terrorist and I honestly can't recall any Canadian terror attacks. Twinblade is in fucking Connecticut scared of antifa. Millions of people are potential police victims. I'm more concerned with people being fucking killed in their own homes by police. You know, reality and not some victim wet dream some of you people feel out of boredom. Like I don't care that MAGA mobs fucked up a building, even if it's the capitol. The issue is they even if they were too stupid to r
  18. Can we not with this? DC's intent was clear. Trying to use technicalities is pretty stupid.
  19. Replay value is a personal choice but the game is fairly dense and to its credit the random encounters can be as good as or even better than some main missions in alot of other games. At this point you've turned into some butt hurt bitch over the game.
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