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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Don't try to be clever, it's like a dog trying to walk around like a human. It has nothing to do with how I view the world as you yourself claimed "white people have it harder in Canada than people of color." So if you were just talking about "Islamic extremist" then you were the one stereotyping them, not me.
  2. Lol motherfucker, we already knew he was racist WAY before that comment. Of course you're going to defend him because you have issues with brown people too. Like this gaslight bullshit you both do to play fast and loose with your racism is hilarious. Like your actual case is what? The known racist wasn't being racist against Latin people, but instead he was being xenophobic against a Mexican? OK, congrats. You won 3D racism chess?
  3. So you're xenophobic? Like whats your point, that's more respectable? You sound idiotic.
  4. I'll have to rebuy the game. I filled out the return site when I got the Deliman bug and thought I wouldn't be able to progress but after I figured out a work around I was happy with the game. Signed in the other day it was gone and they finally refunded me. The game is off the site and can't find it in stores at the moment. Looks like my save files are still there so hopefully won't have to start again from scratch.
  5. Bush 43 was incompetent, but you can tell that he's at least a decent person. Trump is like some ancient malignant deity took over the body of a greedy businessman. He genuinely doesn't have a care in the world for anyone but himself and his daughter. Trump would let the world burn down around him if the thought it would benefit him. The Iraq war became quagmire but Trump has tried extorting American cities/states in exchange for their Govs/Mayors to praise him publicly. Impeachment is better than he deserves, he should have been removed for being unfit years ago.
  6. Excuse him while he pre-orders Halo Infinite.
  7. Didn't Trump call all players who peacefully knelt "sons of bitches who need to be fired from their jobs on the spot" ? And when he was busy saying these things did Republicans boo him or say that isn't right and they were peacefully expressing their hurt? Or did they cheer and agree? What's fucked about this situation is we have now had our 3rd or 4th angry white mob forceful take over of a government building in 4 years and less of these people were shot than black people just sitting in their homes doing nothing during the same time period and people like you being
  8. Yeah, it doesn't glorify Trump. If anything it mocks him.
  9. As always there's alot to unpack with what you say. First, weren't you the one policing when people can compare things to Nazis but here you are with a Stalin comparison. So your two big political issues are war and movies/television. Lol OK. There's more to life than that and you some how act as if the right doesn't want to censor literature, movies, music, and television. I've already told the story of when I was doing typesetting and design having to edit out sections of books that talked about dinosaurs and evolution from science books for conservative school dist
  10. That's the funny part. They love that unchecked capitalism when it works in the favor of their interest but hate when it works against.
  11. Lmfao "the great Purge" You're so dishonest and sensationalist. You seem to never have an issue with the right some how.
  12. Started this show during qurantine before getting hooked on Search Party. The first 3 eps I saw were good. Looking back this kind of the vibe from Alice in Borderland slightly mixed with the human element of Walking Dead. Basically it's a plane that gets hijacked and they have to keep the plane perpetually in the sundown regions of the world. It's definitely a more grounded type of show and they have to deal with shit like refueling and figuring out their timing to avoid the sun. Half the people are shady, shit goes down.
  13. You do realize simping for Trump is pretty much being a snowflake for a racism/sexism/rape culture/conmen/liars/sociopaths.
  14. To be fair even to Cooke, two wars and the economic crash were pretty bad, but to be fair to reality in Bush's shoes Trump would have been far worse.
  15. His point is that mask don't work. Also lizard people from Mars are making up covid stats so people will wear mask to make it easier for illegal MS-13 gang members to traffic children to pizza huts across the country to be turned into sex slaves then chopped into pizza toppings. DC is the guy I would take my health advice from.
  16. Lol when Biden was the lesser of two evils, Cooke said it begrudgingly. Now he's got a pep in his step to do it defending Trump.
  17. I'm sorry but I don't see the appeal and I actually enjoy taking pictures lol. Don't get be wrong, I'm sure it's good for little kids and adults with developmental issues, like Ghostz. Just wish Nintendo could spend some resources on something with a contemporary edge a bit.
  18. So this game is basically going around taking pictures of fake animals in fake towns? Surely there's something else? Can Nintendo make a game for straight males 18-34 anytime soon.
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