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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. lol Now he's trying to act like Mr. Rogers because his brand is in flames. This is how he really feels.
  2. Actually the show is on Hulu, not Netflix. I'm paraphrasing slightly but he basically said that what happened was because he won the election and it was stolen from him and called all the people patriots and wished them well. I'll try to find it. I'm not sure it was technically his last one but it's the one that got the ball rolling for his ban. The point is that he was basically not upset or bothered by what happened and it came off as encouraging.
  3. Lmfao says this while defending Trump. Lol yall motherfuckers play too much.
  4. You do realize that this logic can make a person shooting someone in self defense no different than a serial killer right? Like fucking context is important. You two tards couldn't think your way out of a wet paper bag but turn into Carl Sagan to white wash some racism.
  5. Yes, wrecking a dunkin donuts is far worse than a nation's capital. During an election certification. With the intentions of reversing the election results. Like I said, I don't give a fuck about property damage. The people who broke into the building knew they were committing an insurrection, they just thought they were doing it for the right cause because other idiots like yourself called them patriots. Barring the fact that Trump has managed to make every living idiot on Earth sympathetic towards him. People like you have to conceptualize BLM/ANTIFA in regards to t
  6. This is how you know trump is a fucking liar. When anything hits the fan, people crumble quickly and it goes to shit. Trump claims the entire universe is against him, yet not a single hit job on him turns up anything.
  7. You still don't get how fucking stupid you sound or how fucking retarded that logic is.
  8. The irony of this post is that you spent years defending Trump, Vini. Anyone who has supported Trump is a cuck. As for Mike Pence, he doesn't want to go down in history as failing to remove his commander in chief with a week left in office. Pelosi was stupid to even ask m
  9. Lol oh God. You're even worse than Cooke. You've been licking Trump's boots since 2016.
  10. The point is that they are not applicable in this situation. I don't give a fuck about whatever damage they did to a building. Sure, some of them took shits in the capitol and left pipebombs. I take issue with the fact that thousands of people marched for a single person. Nearly all of the people they asked who were identified and trouble mentioned coming to March because their President asked them to. The charter of BLM marches are for racial equality in the justice system. One this country has a history of the opposite from its founding. The entire mission of "stop
  11. That's on Netflix. Was indifferent to Trump getting banned but I just saw his last tweet that got him banned and yeah.. Of fucking course they did. I saw it was that Pence tweet that did it, but that was fucking bad. I didn't even think Trump would have stooped that low....so close to the event happening.
  12. No, I don't. The Trumptards on here are as lazy as they are stupid so I don't think they would do anything.
  13. That's not what's happening. It's been explained at least a dozen times what you do. Anything you don't agree with you either give an absurdist concept of the argument method. Ok, that's one thing but then you actually make truly absurd issues yourself like what actress is playing a low budget superhero.
  14. During the Civil War Cooke would only talk about is Abraham Lincoln suffering from depression.
  15. Cooke is living in the best timeline he could. During the Civil rights Era he'd have work extra hard to make it sound like an even playing field and pointing out how unruly the coloreds were too.
  16. Mitch is a comic book villain. He got Trump's dumb ass to push the SCOTUS pick over COVID (not that trump cared anyway), got the Dems to get less relief, later than they hoped to boot. And now he's flushing Trump away like used toilet paper.
  17. Lol I needed the full story. You play too much.
  18. Yeah, it's fine. I'm cool with that. Yes they are. Like what fucking planet do you you people live on? I agree to a point that Trump has limited liability in this, but only because Trump is a fucking moron and his supporters should know better. We've hit the point where Trump can open a Tide pod restaurant and his supporters would go and eat their bellies full. The fall out you're seeing is because Trump supporters are so fucking stupid normies have to put a parental lock on the internet. The reason for this is people like Twi
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