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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. This looks good, but christ would it hurt Nintendo to make a non juicebox game every few years. And why the fuck did they ever stop making core Wario games? Nintendo is fucking annoying.
  2. Lol this motherfucker says Trump did nothing wrong. 😂 Who knew how many cucks were out there walking around.
  3. Lmfao you do realize you've just described Republicans for the past 15 years right? Y'all motherfuckers called Obama a terrorist as he was trying to get yall free health care.
  4. You post WAY more lifestyle shit than anyone in this forum. You're basically the racist Elliott Rogers of this and will most likely take someone's life because you're an incel. Probably your own.
  5. Lol meanwhile Twinblade and Cooke are like "this is wrong, why are they not arresting Antifa."
  6. You can't claim to be a moral intellectual and say people marching for reforms to proven inequality that result in death, overly harsh legal ramifications, and general quality of life issues with entitled morons seeking to reverse a presidential election because a sociopath told them to because of his ego. Those are remotely the same thing? You even say yourself that the police were extremely lenient to them and that one single march lead to 5 deaths and destruction, had multiple people armed with either guns or explosives who voiced wanting to assassination elected officials.
  7. You can't be moral and draw a comparison to BLM and the MAGA March regardless of outcome and given the response that they got compared to how BLM marches were treated even more so. You're absofuckinglutely an ideolog and most of the time people who are "both siding" issues are for either intellectual or moral reasons aren't capable of either. I mean that's what Trump was doing when talking about Charlottesville right?
  8. Everyone listen to the racist cop Xbox fanboy for common sense lol.
  9. This is the mindset of a child. Gak and Jerry are right. You guys are both-siding this shit on some pathetic "anticensorhip" angle. If one party is willing to lie, cheat, and steal with no sense of caution why should people give them a even playfield with reality?
  10. Isn't that what life is? Is stealing a bike the same as robbing a bank?
  11. Time to time even I'm taken back at how openly racist and ignorant some of you guys can be.
  12. The government peace keepers vs armed MAGAs sounds like a problem solving itself tbh.
  13. Sony is good with retiring certain series before they wear out their welcome, unfortunately this doesn't extend to gt.
  14. lol You're too worried. White privilege will be around for several more generations at the least. Yeah, the aggrievement is strong in this one.
  15. What's wrong with people who are not straight?
  16. Yes, have one more session then check out.
  17. Lol, I've been in a downtown hotel shooting naked women in my room all today while you typing cry bible Otaku.
  18. I know, you know all the best words and have big crowd sizes in Japan. Go live there, nigga.
  19. Lol "I know all the words, but still need cyberpunk to teach me" this Trump ass nigga lol.
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