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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lol learned 25 words in 10 hours. Sounds about right. 😂
  2. Hey yall, just gonna take 20 years+ to learn remedial Japanese via videogame so I can buy petite condoms for my skinny dick. Lol OK, nigga.
  3. Lol keep telling us how happy you are. You sure sound it.
  4. Lmfao didn't you have to wait for your stimulus check to buy Cyberpunk? Is this really a road you want to go down? Lol
  5. I've seen them all. 3 is better than Salvation and Genysis.
  6. lol Nobody wants anything to do with your thin penis. "buh buh the game comes in a language I speak." lol such a fgt.
  7. Also, The Motherfucker finally accepts its an RPG.
  8. Just play the fucking game in English and STFU, nigga. You're not even fucking Japanese.
  9. Just play the fucking game in English and STFU, nigga. You're not even fucking Japanese.
  10. lol I feel for you man, You were nearly undatable before becoming a Trump cultist.
  11. Yeah, no. You have shit taste.
  12. I'll probably get it for my GF then. She's probably going to be done with Hades shortly. She'd like some gay shit like this.
  13. lol It doesn't get mentioned enough how much ghostz loves shit that has to do with race. Not even sure Ghostz has a triple digit IQ and this motherfucker is posting NPR links tonight focus on some cultural tribalism. lol what a fgt.
  14. lol this nigga is relentless.
  15. lol This gay shit coming out on Switch or what?
  16. I mean yeah, Bush 43 definitely is a war criminal and was an idiot but Trump is a different beast entirely. There is a base layer of humanity that Trump doesn't have. As much contempt I've had for him, I do think that 43 meant to do some good. That if he could push a button and instantly make everyone's lives better he would. Trump doesn't have any of that. Trump would be concerned with what he would gain or lose before pushing the button. The fatal flaw is that his own selfishness actually usually blows up in his face.
  17. lol I remember when I got in trouble here for talking about "white fragility." No one is shitting on anyone for contracting a virus. Yes, people do shit on people for refusing to wear mask or social distance. Christie was on TV the other night going on about how he doesn't get why this is politicized, and it's because Republicans made it that way. If people are social distancing, being clean, wearing mask and get COVID. Things happen, there's no 100% effective way for it not to happen. However there is this stupid right winger flex of pointing that out as some sort of intellectual capital? Bas
  18. No, because they were at least competent Presidents. lol Like Trump wouldn't own slaves if it were acceptable.
  19. Depends on the situation. McDonald's is selling the soda, so the brand matters. Microsoft isn't selling batteries, they're packing them in. There are many ways this can work and I dont know anything about this and didn't even know Xbox controllers still needed alkaline batteries. Considering how much more Duracell batteries cost than "offbrand" ones, I can't imagine MS wasting money on them unless there was some mutually beneficial deal between the two.
  20. Melania just booked her waxing appointment for next week. She's a free woman now.
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