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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Nearly every opinion you've expressed here has been right wing tribal thinking. You treat gay and Trans people differently than you do straight people. Just because you're a misanthrope with no identity doesn't mean you don't hold tribal beliefs.
  2. Yes, I meant America. The topic of the thread. And yes Europe relied on immigration as well. The "middle class" is a distinction that only goes back to like the gilded age. Yes, after major events like world wars migration and immigration see a boom but also with economic booms like the industrial revolution and reconstruction era. Again, can't take you seriously.
  3. Why do you lie? Why are you a hypocrite?
  4. You're so unselfaware lol
  5. This is why I don't take you seriously. The west has been built on immigration.
  6. Not according to the ACP. They consider you confused and in need of conversion therapy. So their word is good enough for every family and child in the country to listen to, but not for you? So are they not reputable and you're a treacherous cunt or are you just a massive hypocrite?
  7. You only "call out" or show skepticism towards groups of people you dont like or identify with.
  8. I just find it interesting that you're like people should raise their kids on the advice of a group of "experts" but you're not willing to subscribe to their ideology in your personal life.
  9. Ironic since she has been blocking anyone who ask her if she's going to make a post about this... Which is obvious she won't. It's almost like she doesn't actually care about this topic other than her bigoted apathy towards the LGBTQ community and rode the financial social media wave. None of you hypocrites actually care.
  10. There are creeps everywhere! I'm only concerned about the creeps that exist in a specific community that is 3% of the population. Clown world
  11. Most of the creeps are straight males. You only talk about hypothetical Trans groomers. These are real people. That some steamer confounded as videogame company and had corporate sponsors like Turtle Beach, Activision, and has character skins in games. You're so obtuse that any real thing that happens and goes against what you brkeo, it is just some random isolated event that's a nothingburger. Then you'll turn around and make up some retarded shit in your head and make it some national issue. You are headed towards biggest clown of 2024 at this point.
  12. Speaking of who are actual groomers or support groomers. . The same people who spent the entire month whining about gays and pride have no problem with middle aged men grooming teenage girls if they are straight and have a podcast.
  13. So you were lying about using it incorrectly? Because my issue was that you were using as a slur, to which you pulled the 'I didn't know", now two years later you're saying that you knew the whole time. Again, this is why I can't take you seriously. You say anything in the moment to not look like you were wrong, even if it makes no sense or contradicts other claims you've made.
  14. When are you enrolling to ungay yourself?
  15. Lol this is now the second or third time some crazy ass MAGA account posted child porn or exploitation only for Musk to publicly promise to restore the account. It's was never about the kids.
  16. You literally said you didn't know what it meant, then midway through some self realization you claimed you were repurposing the word to specifically mean what you want it to. Basically retroactively making yourself right. It was watching a grown my coping himself out of being wrong.
  17. What were you right about on Jan 6? It's also wild to be bragging about arguing on the side of J6 and also claim not to be a right winger but OK. The economy? Lol do tell. My first memory of arguing with you was that you were using political buzzwords you didn't understand but heard right wing bigots use. Maybe you should try Google yourself so you're not constantly looking foolish. You keep going back and forth about how disinterested you are but also how dialed in with your accute theory crafting abilities like your Dr Doom or something
  18. It's wild how you continually prove what I say about you true with enthusiasm and be so unselfaware of it. If you admit you're uninformed and then make up a hypothesis based on limited information how am I the bad guy here? Am I being arrogant not taking what you say seriously when I am fully aware the shit you yourself admit to making up is wrong? Or inconsistent? Your sources are mostly bullshit from the start then you fill in the test based on the other nonsense you've mentally catalogued...lazily. This is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Please n
  19. You dont have to put in effort. Someone's like Hotsauce or Diplomat can make a good point with a single sentence. You lack substance. They made a six pack with her face on it for the ad read. Like they did with other people that had similar engagements. It wasn't a campaign. And what does it mean when people just think it's fine for a companies to ignore whole groups of people and act like they don't exist? There are gay bars that sell beer, and gay people who drink cheap beer. That's my problem with shit like this. It's normalizing bigotry becau
  20. What's even the point of this AI bullshit?
  21. Lol I've got some crypto to sell you.
  22. This is is either the dumbest, or most dishonest statement ever made by someone over the age of 13.
  23. Will be fun when there's not enough working people to paying into the system to keep things like social security funded and food prices that would be permanently higher than inflation rates, higher cost for hospitality, restaurants, and further reduced working Americans due to many families that will need one parent to quit working to raise their kids. Equating immigration to a reduced quality of life is kind of silly when you can point to plenty of countries with low immigration rates that are in economic wastelands.
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