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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. To be fair, this isn't exclusively an xbot specific thing, it's the Snydercut conspiracy types that hate any regulatory body and assume they are just trying to ruin the things they love. And ironically they always hate them for the wrong reasons.
  2. So if they are losing money on consoles, and buying major publishers, and then paying other publishers for their games... What exactly is the point of the Xbox? At some point this seems like some MLM scam run by people who don't know how to make money.
  3. Great comebacks from the guy defending reactive conservatism with such great examples like Nazi Germany and the Taliban Lol.
  4. What evidence? Some failed comedians on YouTube? Everything you've said regarding this has been your personal, uninformed opinion. I know you think so highly of yourself that you think you can accurately call out truths based solely on your bigoted views but that's not how it works. You have posted one link in 18 months and you misread the data. Other than that you haven't made any relatable points on this topic. Not a single valid point. Last year you were claiming that 1/4 of all zoomers identified as non-binary, and were concerned about it, now you're clai
  5. I think the issue is your "love of history" is just jizzing over wars fought for colonialism and imperialism. Just about everything being argued now by conservatives are things they have been doing since the founding of this country. The war on manhood dates back to the early 1900s. The pitting of ethnic minorities against immigration dates back even further. Then there's jim crow, civil rights, women's lib, Stonewall...this is cyclical. And it's always the people you agree with on the wrong side of history. And like the prohibition or abortion
  6. So in your world logic is just a feeling and doesn't have to be based in reality or any understanding of the subject or subsequent subjects/topics? So a person who knows nothing about automobiles or combustion engines can logically deduce what's wrong with a car?
  7. Lol Deductions are formed from evidence, not just some ignorant person's point of view.
  8. Too many to list; your view of why people identify as non binary, the percentage of LGBTQ teens, apparently the rate of detransitioners. It's far easier to measure your accurate takes, which is zero so far. Lol "inevitable fallout"... See how you always take the most negative view of this topic based on nothing but your assumptions. What next generation? The one more informed than you are with less regressive conservatively views? It's funny how you claim to love history and seem completely blind to it. When has society gotten more conservative among succe
  9. What lies are being peddled? You haven't shown any evidence of any of your claims in the past year.
  10. Like all of the incorrect assumptions you've made in the past? Based on all the data you don't know and just make up on the fly. It's an unquantifiable outcome because transitioning at different points in life leads to different experiences for the individual. You have an problem with trans people so you take the negative side of every issue dealing with them. You'll go out of your way to defend a racist or misogynist regardless of the evidence but every trans person is suspicious. Even if the rate were to increase, even 4% is being generous, how much of a rise do you
  11. I mean yeah, if an uniformed Canadian says so, then obviously that's exactly what will happen.
  12. Also what's with all of the weird right wing scapegoating jews thing come from recently. I know, not really recent but it's becoming more mainstream.
  13. Lol I forgot all about this thread. Another in the list of threads Cooke abandoned because he keeps making a fool of himself.
  14. Less than 2% of the population is Trans. Less than 4% of trans people engage in detransitioning. Maybe it's the next gold rush, but mostly it's just more of the wild and stupid shit you guys come up with when you're forced to think for yourselves.
  15. https://x.com/paulwaldman1/status/1703763533895283178?s=20 Lmfao that was his happy new year message? Right wingers are fucking going wild into 2024. Lmfao like "what Nazi would do so much for you?" is a hell of a flex. Wtf
  16. It's such a weird angle to take considering every source that deals catalogs or tracks libraries stock across the country flat out says the vast majority of book banning request come from conservative groups. PDE’s website offers templates as to how aggrieved people can get involved. The group is behind an effort to create a web of coordinated Instagram pages that highlight perceived liberal bias at specific schools, and offers a step-by-step guide to doing the same, from how to create a specific gmail address to match the mission to how to describe the instagram acco
  17. It's funny how conservatives are always the good guy in Cooke's mind.
  18. Check out Creamery. It's a New Zealand show so the seasons are only six episodes. It's a quick dark comedy.
  19. Uh oh, you're going to alpha protocols. Lol
  20. Lol this incel self-help mantra level response.
  21. Do people even want this? Like Sony doesn't even bothered dusting off the Wipeout games in years it seams. I don't think a racing series can really even work nowadays without real world cars anymore, from a sales point. Then again Nintendo fans would happily pay for empty game cases in order to support Nintendo.
  22. One side indeed removes Anne Frank, that same side removes books about Ruby Bridges, Emmitt Till, the civil war, MLK, Rosa Parks... The graphic adaptation of Anne Frank’s diary, published in English in 2018, has found itself at the center of a growing number of controversies involving book removals from school libraries. A small number of passionate activists have pushed for the book to be removed from schools in Florida and Texas, calling it “pornography” and even “antisemitic.” Sometimes, they’ve succeeded. I'm guessing you heard about this and as
  23. Lol how triggered were you when you had to choose your pronouns?
  24. How would a book not have the right pronouns? So DEI is the badguys for books being removed they never addressed, yet we are nearing a year with conservative book banning laws where at little as one parent can have books removed from schools, yet you've never complained about it before. Lol "newspeak" you're such a bot.
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