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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. They were also anti-quarantine. They weren't anti-mask but they played in the gray there. They both get a steady fix of white aggrieved male media and I think they get a bit confused from time to time.
  2. So here is the tally of people who have conspired to work against Trump during his one term to make him look bad. Dems CNN/NBC/CBS/ABC/NYT/WP FBI CIA China Federal Judges UN WHO Bill Barr SCOTUS Mike Pence The Fed Hospitals and Doctors Twitter Fox News
  3. Oh yah, Trumpblade was in here slinging his dignity for Trump hard when the pandemic started.
  4. Ahh, I still remember when Trumpblade was doing Hydroxychloriquene informercials.
  5. Not enough people are talking about how Trump told the people to march and he would be with them, then just went home lol. Fucking MAGA retards.
  6. Oh, an edit. He wasn't going to do tax cuts for the rich because he had to sort out healthcare. But didn't do healthcare and instead gave rich people tax cuts.
  7. Remember when Trump was going to get us great, cheap healthcare in 15 minutes? Then a month later claimed "No one knew healthcare could be complicated." Yes motherfucker, EVERYONE knew it was that complicated. This is what was always most dangerous about Trump, He is fucking dumb but people who like him are even dumber than he is and even worse they take him at his word. So on top of his stupidity, we also have his historic dishonesty. When Trump ran what exactly was his platform? He never actually gave a health plan, tax plan, foreign policy or infrastructure other than his wall.
  8. Still cracks me up to hear people stupid enough to think Trump was a good President. And all they can say is the economy, which he had little hand in. In fact, all of his big political moves actually hurt the economy...THREE FUCKING DIFFERENT WAYS AT ONCE. The man spent 4 years whining about the FED like he knows what the fuck he's talking about. His tariffs drove up production cost, dropped demand, raised retail prices, caused downsizing and expatriating, and the need for bail outs. Bail outs which he's lied about entirely forever now. When he claims that he was paying farmers with money he c
  9. in light of the insurrection I'll take a minute and explain, even though everyone but guys like DC, Cooke, and shit for brains Ghostz knows this. So I feel like I'm explaining short division to college freshmen or something. Like I said, this isnt even about Proudboys at this point. 1. Racism and White Supremacy are identical but not the same. White supremacy isn't simply white people hating black ppl or others necessarily but can also be a deep seated class issue. A person like Donald Trump can be fine having black ppl in their vicinity as coworkers, subordinates, friends, or even
  10. lol Twin's flex on this board is pretty hilarious. He's not fit to mod here, openly voices his disdain for it and claims he wants nothing to do with, but loves to show up to make threats like some flaccid incel.
  11. That call was fucking absurd. Like with the Ukraine call someone could argue that he rode that fine line but this was blatant and pathetic. Trump tried reverse psychology, sarcasm, bullying, peer pressure, lying (of course), then veiled threats like some manipulative child to get what he wanted. It's also fucking hilarious that he was trying to get them to "find" like enough votes for him to win by 1. Like this fucking retard actually believed that people would accept that this week he all of a sudden won Georgia by 1 fucking vote.
  12. lol This was never true. Like is this really an act or are you this bad?
  13. Ive said it before in jest, but now that he's been officially served a ban, Trump is the systemwars President.
  14. Lol it was clearly sarcastic and you have said different but equally stupid shit before and actually meant it. Which is why you couldn't tell. That and you're not very bright to begin with.
  15. "I'm not defending them, I'm just saying they are not what I claim you said they are based on my own ignorance and racism." Dude, you are the DaVinci of stupidity.
  16. No they haven't. People need to stop pretending that Republicans were good before Trump. Nothing has changed with the Republican party in the past 40 years. Trump was a symptom not the disease.
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