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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. lol at this point phones are phones and they are all the same. Never an appropriate amount of battery for base models. This fgt war is pointless.
  2. They are both his? lol I thought it was someone playing a joke or something.
  3. Why do millionaires deserve tax cuts? Obviously this isn't really an issue since Republicans were willing to give people 2k in exchange for taking a swipe at fucking social media sites.
  4. Starting off with the hardest song of 2020
  5. Lol this is the gayest argument I've had all year. Congrats. Keep projecting your insecurities bro. We all see it.
  6. Even if true, it would be the smarter way to go. They would barely lose any PC sales and this was the last ps4/Xbox1 holiday, so it wouldn't make sense vice versa, and releasing all versions didn't work, so what else is there? I know you're retarded but give me a break.
  7. Ugh, I agree with Bodycunt. I said this a few times but they should have put priority on the console versions first. This is the the last big holiday for the ps4 and XB1 which have substantial userbases. The new consoles are launching and people want a new game to with their new consoles. They could have then spent the post release time working on the PC version to take advantage of the hardware. It's so fucking simple it's maddening. Yes, PC gamers would be whining their asses off because their PCs give them some sad amount of pride but it's better than what they got
  8. Uh, I LOVE this game but they can't patch themselves out of this. It would have to rewritten from the ground up. They worked out stability issues and such but the game in it current state, especially for consoles isn't going to get exceedingly better.
  9. Lol you're a lunatic bro. No one from this site has ever stalked or doxxed you like you claim and the only people who could would be someone you blow kisses when they aren't laughing at you for sucking dick for fun. Anyone who wants a peek into your lunacy needs only check the photo album for the past year to witness your bipolar mood swings.
  10. Lol nice revisionist history you got going there. You get mad at people not being mad at me, claim that when others make fun of you (all the time) are doing it to please me or whatever and I left this place for like five years and come back and you were still talking about me all the time. Remember when you were a mod and after three days of your psycho shit they had to remove you? Lol chill nice guy couldn't even be a mod for 72 hours. That's still a record.
  11. lol I'll skip your last post as you just doubled down and basically confirmed what I said before. At the end of the day a woman has to be attracted to a guy first and foremost. Too many movies and TV shows tell men that if they are persistent enough they can win a woman over. It rarely ever works that way. A woman might fall for her best friend at some point, but more than likely not if she was never attracted in the first place. For you to put this solely on women without any consideration of their points of view shows that you're manipulative and selfish. As for me "being nice t
  12. I'll just say one thing you learn in life, Dudes who say shit like "Nice guys finish last" are usually not nice guys at all and just pretend to be nice expecting something in return. I assume since you're always talking about shit like this and you probably try to guilt women into relationships and shit because you were "nice" to them. As for "hiding", not sure what exactly you're trying to infer? I'm currently 1 year into a very happy relationship. (which I've talked about in here before) I've have multiple LTRs, and when I'm single I keep a healthy dating life. Relationships are
  13. lol Yes, Ignoring this entire thing for 7 months, then sending an angry tweet out of spite before fleeing to play golf. Working so hard.
  14. Jesus dude, it's a videogame not a car. It's not that major of an investment.
  15. Still can't find comrades hammer but got that Azura? Craft Legendary sniper rifle craft spec and one for the large revolver. This shits a wrap. Nothing better than seeing enemy's signatures hiding behind cover when that bullet curves and pops their head off. I've still yet to ricochet a bullet yet tho. This game is one of the better shooters out there.
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