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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. It's not for everyone. When you are at the point of watching Asian imports on Netflix, it's safe to say you've seen most of the the good stuff already.
  2. Nigga, I don't play games on my computers. I been told you that.
  3. No, was just pointing out the game doesn't look as better as hermshits pretended unless you spending thousands on a PC 😕 *edit: it could also be that your PC is jank. Just putting that possibility out there before another hermshit comes in here and claims a $600 gaming PC can run it at 14k, 360 fps if you build it yourself.
  4. And I told you that I'm not going to go thru the game looking for that character. I win.
  5. Lol you so aggro. Here is a crappy ps4 snap for you. Congrats, your beast PC can top it a little lol 😂
  6. It is on @The Mother Fuckerpc.
  7. Why not both? It's not simply because it's infectious or deadly, but also can require specialized treatment, and it's incubation period is also long. All of which combine to create a bottleneck for hospitals and potentially morgues. Even if a town full of healthy people get sick and don't die of covid, people who suffer from a heart attack or car accident can have their care impaired in a hospital over run with Covid.
  8. lmfao I said that it wasn't that much better than PS4. I'm not going to get on the game and try to find in this 100 hour game the exact part of the map you're in, to have the same exact encounter to prove a lame graphics argument.
  9. Not much better than ps4 tbh
  10. Lol two days after Christmas on a Sunday. I guess far black chick ordered some Jordan's to wear for her prostitute?
  11. Lol you bought shoes to play videogames in? This is how I know you don't get laid.
  12. This is your amazing pc at work?
  13. Lol this level of intellectual dishonesty is fucking pathetic.
  14. Another Asian import on Netflix Twin and GD might like: Sweet Home. Basically think Resident Evil without a STARS team to help. Like Alice in Borderland, I believe this is based on a Manga, but like an old one that actually influenced Resident Evil in the first place. Only 2 episodes in but it's about a low rent building were people are trapped with murderous grotesque monsters.
  15. This is people who invested in CDP, not people who bought the game filing the suit.
  16. Lmfao Vini is now posting Breitbart articles. Yall motherfuckers play too much.
  17. Lol how big of an incel does someone have to be to make two threads on the front page about some shitty titty game console makers don't want on their systems.
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