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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. It's actually better than all of them, but in a broken state the game deserves to be panned for now.
  2. lol only Trump could be the person calling for increased aide to Americans and at the same time still be the villain in the situation.
  3. Oh yeah, there's the little thing called a Gov't shut down that will also happen since this was an omnibus bill which included the operating budget. So on top of everything you just said, during the vaccine role out, in mid-transition, during a holiday break we're facing another federal shut down. This is on the same day he fucking pardons war criminals. And here we have Cocke sarcastically comparing Trump to a dictator type to own the libs.
  4. I'll get ahead any pro Trump damage control about this being the GOP and not Trump....McCarthy, who is a major Trump supporter and someone who to this day still defends Trump's attempt at stealing this election came out of the gate against this. I might be wrong, but iirc in order for them to pass the 2k stimulus they needed less Repulicans to vote yes than currently refuse to acknowledge the election result to kiss up to Trump. If this is something Trump truly wanted or cared about it would have happened.
  5. This is a good example of why I inform Cocke that he's an alt-right agent, he's just not bright enough to realize it even if he's got several people explaining to him why. I'm sure he saw this on one of his shitty online sources and thought he was gonna lay down lib owning that he likes to try do that always backfires on him.
  6. I really dug the three character arc of GTA5. Of all the comparisons to GTA, the one thing I wish they did like that series other than police AI is the three different character types had branched story missions exclusive to each of the types.
  7. I dont know, havent checked but the way pointer is in the map. I assume without the map you'll still have the floating objective icon to know where to go. Many missions include multiple locations and they can be far apart so not sure how one would ever eventually complete anything this way.
  8. One of the oldest internet trope is someone whose uncle didnt get a job because he was white. First of all, I've never in my life heard of a company telling someone they didn't get a job because they were white. Like what hiring department or principle would ever tell someone that? Also no matter where you live Affirmative Action or Positive Discrimination isn't enforced that way in the first place.
  9. So turns out Trump lied/was stupid again and most of the problems he claimed he had with the relief package was actually the Govt budget and things he complained about was budgeted by his own office. What's sad is that he's either lying/stupid or just so inept at his job that he doesn't actually know what his own offices are doing.
  10. Yeah, he speaks nicely about how they have an unfair advantage over white people in Canada.
  11. That's a fucking megaton of games sold even if combined. Cyberpunk broke your brain.
  12. Meanwhile good guy Trump is killing as many deathrow inmates as possible because he values life, right Vini?
  13. We'll see if anything happens. Cookie is out here praising a president who flat out says he didn't know what money number for people was going to be. How the fuck didn't he know this? Trump saw that the republican citizens were complaining that 600 was too little so he decided to play good cop and make an 11th hour hijacking of bill as a publicity stunt. This guy is fucking comic book evil.
  14. I love how Cocke claims he doesn't abortion shame but also acts like people are acting like abortions are tic tok dances to people. It's 2020 and these retards are saying the same stupid shit.
  15. While I like the game very much, I can't blame anyone for not having a good time with it considering how messy this game can be and in different ways for different people.
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