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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Worse than that, peace loving good guy Trump pardoned 4 Merc war criminals who committed an atrocity. @Vini I mean I'm sure it has nothing to do with him being buddy buddy with Eric Prince and Betsey DeVos. I've never seen one man who can never rise to the occasion and not be an embarrassment. It really took a Kardashian photo op for this man to not be a piece of shit for like five minutes in four years.
  2. Yes, I'm sure that you're happy you can finally try to post something positive about Trump. If only Trump said something before today? This is simply a desperate act to get the truly stupid people to praise him. *cough* This yet another "if I'm reelected" claim he is making because he still thinks he can just whine his way back to being president.
  3. I've been sticking with the badlands for the past few days. Just biking around and doing bandit camp missions and side gigs. As much as I like the city, the desert is way more fun to play in. It's like playing a Mad Max property. They could do an entire expansion based in the badlands and I would be happy.
  4. They should have skipped the PC version entirely and just made the console ones, then a year later release a refined version for PC. PC gamers are waiting for Pikmin 3 and shit so they'd take sloppy seconds with no problem.
  5. Will probably be terrible (I hope not) but I'm pretty excited for it regardless. If they just do a Borat and update what worked it should be a fun watch. Thank COVID for making my streaming expenses more worth it.
  6. It's only 10 eps I think so easily binged in a weekend. There's only one slowish ep in the middle but it picks up again up after that.
  7. So finished season 1 of Alice in Borderlland. Totally seems like something up GD's alley. For a Japanese show, they did a great job with the localization. The English voice acting is excellent. The main character is like the main character of any young male Japanese protagonist but the show features other worthy characters and balance that out.
  8. I was kidding about having a burner, I'm just ignoring your Grindr referral code.
  9. Yeah, I want that mad hops perk. I wish the game progressed more down the line to take advantage of how powered up you can be.
  10. Oh yes, fgt. We're all so glad more people are using 5g. That's good for all of us.
  11. This feels like a rip-off. When I read the thread title that you were going to review a big name PS4 game I was excited to see what an unbiased, and well thought out post you were going to write.
  12. At Christmas I will yet at my MOM for lying about her hospital being over capacity and giving out fake COVID numbers to make more money like Trump said.
  13. Yes, with the help of in denial right-winger agents like yourself.
  14. The story isn't deep but it's entertaining. There are a few set pieces like the doll scene that I thought were a great player experience. Also I think it was Ike, but whoever said the racing missions were suprisingly good is right. I hate check point racing in games but I did the first two and the second race in the bandlands was so fucking bad ass. I immediately wanted to race it over again.
  15. Yeah, they called the chips splinters then and shards now. Better choice. The menu system is actually better in the old version. Yes it's not as cyberpunky as it is now, but seems cleaner. I just realized that I haven't read why you say why this isn't an RPG or what your rigid criteria is for one.
  16. Film grain as a thing is tricky with screens and with the horse power needed to see this game in it's highest quality probably hard to achieve. Even in a photo sometimes if I dont resharpen the image for a screens or on certain monitors the film grain of the native file doesn't always come through but that's also part of internet compression. Mixing film grain and purposeful abberations should have a stunning look with the radiosity and light flare of a game like this.
  17. Lol shallow. It's a fucking videogame. He wanted to learn something? Videogame writers are such fgts these days.
  18. It's not a big issue, but it's not a nit pick either. Like it's something that was done on PS2 games so they should have been able to get the traffic AI better than this. I do lean into things and go with the flow tho, it makes driving a bike in between on coming traffic easier as the cars don't drive defensively and basically keep their straight lines as they are not designed to evade the player lol.
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