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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Of course you can't because you have some absurd butt hurt over the RPG tag like RPGs are some higher level of gaming or something. Trade the environment for some shitty fake European village filled with needy peasants, guns for swords, and a Porsche 911 for a horse (if you are lucky) As for the guns, No they don't. I'm not talking about simply adding a scope or silencer. You can have a shoot out with a gang and each member of the gang can have the same gun and each gun can have completely different stats from each other. From stopping power, to elemental abilities, t
  2. Enough, man. The game is an RPG in its core. They just left the fgt elves and mideveal shit out and made it a futuristic city opera. There's a reason you don't see shit like crit points and cool down periods in GTA. You spend hours going thru your inventory and analyzing the particular specs of each gun. Unlike just about any genre other than RPGs each weapon has completely different specs. Even if it's the same exact model. Even the visual customization is unique for each version of the guns half the time.
  3. Mando tonight was fucking lit. This season was fire. Fuck star wars movies now.
  4. Lol imagine videogames being an important part of your life and rooting for MS to buy every good developer. It's like a vegetarian rooting for McDonald's.
  5. I dont believe the game actually has non lethal ammo, you can just render a weapon non lethal. I assume what you may be talking about in regards to the body weapons is a non-lethal user implant. This automatically makes every weapon you have non lethal, which probably does so to arm weaponry.
  6. I think that might be a perk, not a mod/implant. Again, they didn't do a good job of explaining this stuff in the game. You have your 5 attributes. Each of them have their own perks. Then you have your implants/augmentations. Some of them I think can accept modding or be upgraded to higher versions. Then you have your Operating System which falls under implants/augmentation. Like when you start the game they give you first eye implant. I have a Mk3 of that eye. I've only begun messing with the implants stuff more the last day or two since I'm kind of
  7. Yeah, They did a piss poor job of letting you know what you can with such implants...or anything actually.
  8. Uh...possbily. Having had both, it's more geared towards a more aggressive approach. The game is designed to revolve around using the environment as distractions or hacking for stealth, it's far more effective to have quick hacks than slowing time tbh. Time slowing is better for boss fights too...not that there're many. I wont spoil the game but...it's a shockingly low number.
  9. By the metric of pulling the game and offering refunds? That's what game makers SHOULD be doing. The power balance between gamers and game makers is way off the mark. I'll be the first talk about the problems with CP but outside it's bugs, it's a very good game. Fallout 76 was unliked separate form it's buggy issues and was an online only game with shoddy servers to boot. Let's not even go into them sending shitty made helmets for the Special Editions that later turned out had liners that could give people respiratory problems.
  10. Yeah, no. The Alt right is a bit of a catch all but I think people just think "Alt-right" are Republicans or conservatives. It's really merely being "anti-liberal" as a movement. Even if someone doesn't want to be affiliated, if the people you value, your news sources, and your own beliefs align with alt-right sensibilities isn't not a stretch for people to call you that. It's been nearly a full calendar year of people explaining to Cooke why he's alt-right but he's not bright enough to understand why.
  11. I swapped out my OS that allowed for quick hacking for one that lets you bend time. Using that with a sword and the dash move is the most fun way to dispatch enemies in the game to me.
  12. lol This is what is hilarious about you right wing nut jobs. It's worth shooting someone to protect personal property that can be replaced but it's an abortion isn't justifiable.
  13. Once you get a few legendary and iconic weapons and try out a few different implants is where the game really begins to shine for me. I got an assault rifle last night that I really like, I think it's the Achilles. I'm not a big fan of the tech guns but the talking gun and I think it the "Nuo" are fun pistols too.
  14. That fgt didn't even give us any idea of what which game did best. Other than being open world what criteria of who did what best? Different games did different things better than the other ...except Crackdown. There is no list that game belongs on other than b-level MS first party trash.
  15. Jesus he's still going on about that? Why is he fixated on this?
  16. What's sad is your take isn't "Fallout 76 should have been removed too." instead of it's good Sony is taking responsibility for this now.
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