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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I don't know if it's a glitch or not but I avoid driving when possible as that fucking annoying cab company keeps calling me with quest and more often than not if I'm in a mission, it overrides my quest and all of a sudden it switches to the car mission as primary then I have to go back to the long add 35 sub mission lost to find where I was meant to go in the first place.
  2. I really wish there was some way to organize your inventory. When I'm playing CP I thoroughly enjoy the game, it's every other part of it that seems like a chore. First of all, this game was designed for PC gaming and being a shitty PC developer they couldn't even bother to make the navigation screens built for consoles, like even cold booting the game is chore. I like this game but it's definitely a 7 or 8, not because the core gameplay is bad but because pretty much everything else seems like they never actually had it play tested before? I also recognize that they
  3. Lol this game comes out next year and they are holding a contest for how to design it in December? Lmfao gonna be AAA for sure.
  4. Lol CP will never catch up with GTA V as a sandbox but that's OK. That part is really just a vessel for cyber RPG style of the game. I mean the city AI is barely on par with GTA San Andreas let alone GTA V.
  5. They were going for an over the top GTA style game and everything is dialed up. Someone is going to be offended, it can't be helped. The humors crass but believable.
  6. uh, Not sure as I haven't used my non lethal gun mods yet but from what I think is right is that the guns are based on tech and ballistics and each have their strengths and weaknesses. Ballistic guns not being able to accept non-lethal mods makes sense as you're still shooting bullets where the tech guns are energy based so they can accept mods that an energy weapon can. A silenced, non lethal single shot weapon seems like something that would pretty much nerf the gaming experience anyway. Plus the nonlethal aspect is for securing people that you need alive. This isn't Splinter Ce
  7. I really like the game but it's a mess. There's definitely a level of polish missing from the game. Part of it is lack of development time and the other is quite honestly them merging FPS and RPG elements but missing the refinements of the FPS....possibly the RPG one too but I dont enough of them to sniff them out on a granular level.
  8. I found it fine after tweaking the sensitivity settings a bit. I do wish the ADS was tweaked a bit to zoom like how they do in a COD game for example.
  9. That's my biggest gripe with the game. I feel that on the two forums I post at with less than 60 people total the most common game design issues are the HUD and not knowing they can do something that should be obvious. While I do like they have enough side quest to grind your stats up for the main game regularly but they don't "teach you to fish" in this game. They just mention that you can sometimes and it's never touched on again or even pushed early so you have that knowledge in your arsenal. The non lethal mods are easy to get.
  10. Seeing as you I guess are supposed to be as big a dick sucker as the real Jon B, it's still bad to launch with so few consoles ready for lauch?
  11. Lol you guys really have your hopes and dreams based on gamepass lol. I will concede that by midgen when MS is forced to drop the price of the Xbox because Nintendo will probably have a new console 3 years of losing to the PS5 will take its toll.
  12. People in here talk more about the graphics than anything else, what do you all think about the game itself outside of what it looks like on machines?
  13. Just play the game and try to have fun and don't worry about other people you fucking geek.
  14. The article you yourself posted says that so-called alt groups claim these things, it doesn't explicitly say that they are all one and the same. That's one of those context things you're not good with. Also if we are being honest, you've said racist, Islamaphobic, and sexist shit before so it's not like you have some moral or intellectual high ground anyway.
  15. It could be more realistic if it were some how intentional. In the game the drivers simply aren't reacting to the player. Of course having played GTA V twice this year makes the difference fresher in my mind. Also it's GTA, and Rockstar has the living city down to near perfection. I am glad the driving in the game is good, giving how floaty and bad they made it look in the promo videos.
  16. I really enjoy the game, the game was obviously in need of more production time, but what can you do? This game is a PC game in it's DNA and very ambitious in fronts but seems to got it to a "retail worthy" enough state and dropped it I assume to meet some projections. I'll say that Miyamoto mentality at Nintendo that it's better to delay a game than release an unrefined one is something I'd wish more devs could follow.
  17. lol I learned the hard way trying to car jack someone that unlike GTA if you stand in front of a car they're not actually programmed to stop, they just run over your ass.
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