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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. They sold out at holiday launch, big whoop. Also it's a bit gauche to bring up sales when your console is last place...like what is your point? Why cant you just admit that while you like or even "prefer" Xbox, They're just "Ok".
  2. It says who literally in the post you're quoting, retard.
  3. Seriously tho, MS gave it a great shot with consoles. They just couldn't the fight going.
  4. This thread has more JonBs than XSX has good games.
  5. When your bed is smaller than your videogame chair set up you really need to reevaluate your priorities.
  6. Gamerpass is going to appeal to some people for sure, but probably not enough people to make the dent you think. It seems to mostly appeal to people who are already xbox fanboys and maybe multiconsole owners who'd want to save money on game buying. No pun intended but Xbox is missing captivating games or an actual hook outside of GP.
  7. lol So I got my PS4 last week. I got GOW, Horizon CE, Witcher III CE, GTA V, Ghost, RDR2, and seeing that GOW 2 and Horizon 2 coming out next sounds like a bodybag for Xbox. I thoroughly love GOW and Horizon.
  8. You know how I know that Donald Trump is a criminal? He has more than one lawyer that preaches for violence against another person. Like Donald Trump is legit out here making a legion of doom.
  9. To be fair the scalpers probably didn't even realize that there is a new Xbox console.
  10. They're really dropping the ball on the school shit. This is way too confusing. They either need to stay open or close or something but this week to week is a bit much.
  11. No, I couldn't get through the first 10 minutes. The animation is atrocious.
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