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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. It's definitely more appealing however it's about the experience and there's really little on the platform to engross casuals. Hell are there even hardcore gamers who love VR? This is a forum of gamers and I never see anyone ever mention VR gaming so what's going to attract casuals?
  2. I'll help you think for yourself here. Are you saying that there has been no reporting of flu or pneumonia deaths during COVID? or Are you stating that the numbers for both aren't in line with the previous years' reporting? also did you actually think about anything you wrote or was this the first "clever" retort you intellect could construct?
  3. The biggest blunder Dems did was playing chicken with Republicans on the second stimulus. Republicans never wanted to give aide in the first place so dying on the hill of getting additional funds to bigger cities. Pelosi should definitely step down on that one.
  4. What terrible things did the Democrats do? You and Cooke need to STFU with this false equivalency nonsense, especially since it leads you both to saying stupid shit on nearly a daily basis.
  5. lol What is this bullshish? COVID isn't some dividing line. Lefist aren't getting anything or enjoying it like right wing mongrels are. This "both sides" bullshit needs to stop. It's what's really ruining the country.
  6. Honestly one of the lowest points in politics period. Like this next door neighbors work Watergate.
  7. LOL Trusting Amazon reviews. You 'tard.
  8. I don't get to give Sony 600 dollars, the government over 50, and 70 bucks per game? I can live with that. 😊
  9. Sometimes it is constructive to gloat. You're wouldn't know since you're never actually right about anything.
  10. Lol that's all MAGA ever had. It's impossible to make a fair defense of Trump that isn't defending racism or flagrant neglect. As bad as he was, his entire administration was an abomination.
  11. It's doable, I haven't played a dynasty warriors game since PS2 but they always got more ire than they deserved. I don't know the Zelda lore but she digs it. Single player is nice looking and there is way more dialog than I expected.
  12. My gf got it. It's fun but split screen is rough. My ps4 came in so been messing around with that. Got GTA 5, GOW, and Horizon. HW is mindless fun.
  13. Remember when you slut shamed Kamala Harris unprovoked and basically called her a whore?
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