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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Dont you praise Apple for capping their phone's power like "everyone else does"?
  2. I kind of don't believe in bail anyway so don't really care.
  3. Lol pc gaming. Im lucky to ever have more than 20 gigs of free space at a time.
  4. From the lead singer of Trapt, to Vini, Cocke, and Trumpblade I owned them all.
  5. lmfao you've had multiple people explain why this analogy doesn't work and you're still reiterating in some lost cause hail mary. I'm prochoice because it's a woman's life that will forever be changed, which can include the future for someone else. It's her body and her life. It doesn't have any adverse affect on someone else. A person with COVID and no mask can cause other people to be sick or even die and they are only required to wear mask in the vicinity of others. Your problem is that you are one of those people who thinks they are so clever because they see problems on both
  6. I just want to know which fanboys to dunk on. Now that I have a PS4 gonna play GTAV again until Cyber Punk. :}
  7. PS5 or Xbox. Like I dont know who to believe in here. Jon and Remi act like they're on MS' payroll.
  8. Why the fuck would you think the Series S is more powerful than the X?
  9. lol This motherfucker merged feudal Japan and Nazi Germany because he got a couple of sentences deleted from Chatbox? That's a bit heavy handed.
  10. Who are the proconsumer companies out there?
  11. I think we can split the difference. The mainstream left, and especially media have seemed to soften on Bush due to time and Trump being so terrible that the Bush family was viewed far more kindly than in previous years. This however isn't really liberals giving him comfort and laundering his past. Obviously Bush is a war criminal, mostly through negligence than anything else. After seeing a rotting hole of a human being like Trump, I think people were able to show a bit of empathy towards Bush with both his parents being so-near death at the time and President Joffrey actually showing with a
  12. lol I remember Twincuck bragging about how the projected numbers for deaths would be 200k and Trump did a great job keeping it at 100k as if COVID deaths were going to magically stop or something.
  13. There's not direct way to compare or need. It still shows that over 70 million people supported him for President, and his approval rating among the party is 96%. That's a lot of people. Our points aren't mutually exclusive. It's not just about being anti-Dem, they're anti-doctor, anti-science, anti-higher learning (despite every Republican rep having gone to Ivy League schools.), anti-media, anti-Politically correct. Politics took a backseat to culture so a candidate who knows jackshit about policy can win a successful campaign on keeping brown people in check. A
  14. In reality this is a stupid article meant to appeal to stupid people (sorry Vini) that simply support Trump, but are at least in touch with reality enough to accept that he lost the election. How anyone can think for a second there would be a good affect of having the most corrupt President in history pardoned just to make his supporters happy. Forget kneeling, flag burning, or statue toppling, that is the most dangerous and corrosive sentiment. To reward the corrupt elites.
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