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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I have a Sunday deadline. Last night I was like "Well, I'll cram tomorrow and Friday so I will probably be able to wrap by Saturday. My GF "Uh, it's actually Friday, right now. I legit felt like a kid who got the wrong Christmas present. Longest "Wednesday" ever.
  2. Why would you ever think Trump would be a better leader than Xi? You would get all of the corruption and cruelty and none of the competence. As bas as Trump is, he's only as bad as the American legal system allows him to be. There is little to no difference intellectually or morally between Trump and any dictator from another country.
  3. LMFAO Jeffries is a connected golden boy which actual progressives dont actually like. He's a massive fund raiser which ironically the right wing media always put targets on the heads of Dems who can raise a lot of money. If you actually read or listen to nearly any actual progressive sources such as TYT, The Majority Report, Serfs, Kyle C or whoever none of them care for Jeffries. You guys sound like cartoonish Facebooks aunts that just repeat shit they dont understand because they saw a meme or purposely deceptive grifter flack.
  4. Yes, because recharging a device that never leaves the house and always near a power source is so inconvenient.
  5. The "China" issue isn't about China. It's about unchecked capitalism. The "globalist" scare is conservatives way of making a boogeyman out of their own self interest. China is only where they are because it's cheaper to manufacture there. Their rise wasn't in a bubble. The same "woke progressives" that you guys love to whine about were ringing these bells 30 fucking years ago. Conservatives in this country haven't created any forward thinking platforms that have been constructive for the country since probably Nixon. I guess you could include "No child left behind" from the Bush II era, but th
  6. It's also just coincidence that everyone who denies being alt-right use all the same sources they do, and prop up the same talking heads and pundits they do. It's like an animal that looks like a duck and talks like a duck but is somehow not a duck.
  7. lol Cucke's alarmist demeanor about Muslims and China is pretty entertaining.
  8. A third party invites a big problem. Instead of government running on a near majority rule, it will instead be run a large minority. I mean it is now, but it could be worse.
  9. You're always asking why people don't like conservatives like they are honorable angels.
  10. The problem with 2020 is so much shit happens that you almost forgot just how much shit actually happened.
  11. You must have had an exciting few days at work with this mess.
  12. He said if Biden wins, he needs to nominate only conservative or centrist appointees or they will not be approved. Like this cock sucker would never stand by allow a republican president to fill his cabinet according to who Schumer would tell them to do. @GeorgeW1000 Among the long list of why I hate conservatives. Is shit like this. This level of entitlement that they have to get what they want no matter what and even if they lose, they still have to some how get everything that the winner" is entitled to. So while they love blue lives matters and the military, they
  13. I seriously wish death in Mitch McConnell. Like immediately wish he's hit by a car or has heart attack.
  14. They were armed. Like this is the shit Trump wants.
  15. The poll watching shit is honestly some of the most moronic shit I've ever. Like how did half of the country become retarded?
  16. No, it means you're dumb enough to repeat it because you think it sounds smart. 👾 you're so dumb when you try to be clever.
  17. I dont care if someone is conservative. In here or in the world. It just happens that too many so-called conservatives have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.
  18. lol dont do that. I've been making a fool of all of your bullshit this entire year. You dont have a single independent thought and you have said some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
  19. lol That motherfucker is the new Nathan Fillion. Loved by internet nerds because of a cancelled cult show, now basically gets to play himself in everything he's in and we all Stan for it.
  20. as much money as he spends on PC parts and games he seriously should have several sources out of appreciation.
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