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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. This fuckboy acting like this in public while trying to convince people he's fit to represent safe mental health is hilarious. The motherfucker looks like he's cosplaying as a Batman villain. Just remove the motherfuckers license that he doesn't even use anyway and get it over with.
  2. What is entertaining about Republicans is how oblivious they are to a fault. Ramaswamy could be making big inroads with younger centrist, but he has that braindead platform of raising the voting age without military service. It's so stupid because it's a platform that has zero support, no one asked for it, and it would never happen. And you have a presidential candidate obliterating millions of potential supporters advocating for it. Sometimes it's like the only thing preventing the world from ending is so many powerful people's inability to modulate their egos.
  3. So without a NATO alliance, what exactly keeps Russia in line with any agreement they sign today?
  4. Lol so are you apparently. Lol take the L, bitch. We're not even talking about that. Lol trying to save face.
  5. I can see how people want to be agnostic about politics but there are too many dishonest and stupid people who do care - to not pay attention to it. The right wing has only gotten more demented after MAGA.
  6. Lmfao Twinblade bragged about switching parties in order to vote for Trump and voted for Trump twice, idiot. He defended Trump thru out his entire term plus a year after. This is how retarded you are. Twinblade was also onboard about the hunter Biden stuff too. So again you're dead fucking wrong. Now be a big boy and either admit you're usually wrong (all of the time) or that you just assumed anyone disagreeing with you did so because of Hillary because you heard someone on YouTube say that.
  7. You never explained how you arrived to the thought that Twinblade was influenced by Hilary Clinton.
  8. So a thing that has been going on all day is racist conservatives and right wingers claiming that black men will love and support Trump now that he got arrested...because we love criminals so much. This motherfucker actually said "to the man" and I only wish this was in audio to hear his impression of a black man. Even Charlie Kirk who makes daily racist post where he complains that every single black person is a token that is stealing a white persons job tries this shit minutes after multiple post targeting black people. These people never care abo
  9. I've said many times that Cooke can't argue anything in real time. He just has his canned comebacks like that one, regardless of who he was accusing of it.
  10. Hunched over doesn't look defiant. He looks like a scolded dog.
  11. Well about 100 artist quit at some point working on the second one. I'm not fully up on the schedule but it was about a 4 to 5 year space between the first two so I assume they worked on 2 and 3 simultaneously so it's not like they expected to make the third one in just a year's time, which I don't think is possible given the length of the movies. I know they had to delay the third one because of the strike stuff so that should help the animators a bit I suppose.
  12. My first concern was that it would be a cool mugshot photo like Sinatra or something but he looks like a confused old man. His people will obviously still act like its some really call but we'll see. Fucking clowns like Marge and Kari lake making fake mugshots in support is pathetic and hilarious. I assume tons of his supporters who spend parts of their salary on MAGA shit will eat it up.
  13. Did a third watch last night. Only comic related movie I've seen more than once since Endgame. It's too good.
  14. It would to have been, artillery would have the potential to give away the truth and it's the simplest way. I'm sure Putins people knew he would be on that plane.
  15. Now as much as I hate trump, I dont think he should be perp walked or have his mugshot go public but this makes the whole process look like a joke.
  16. That's no surprise lol She's a pick me. Designed for dudes like you.
  17. Motherfucker, for the majority of the past six years you spent more time on your knees for Trump than calling him out for anything. Your little goofy ass got excited when you turned into a DeSantis stooge til you soured on him. So like 1 year (at best) out of 6?
  18. Lol no shit, the controversy about the talking point is how Prager infers that America was the first country to end slavery, which it wasn't. The full quote was "white people didn't end slavery, they ended it." No one even says they did, It's just rhetorical chaff in order order to soften the participation I suppose. Thanks for trying to cook tho. Owens, Prager, and the daily wire are so fucking shitty. Like they always talk about indoctrinating kids and there's no parallels to them or Turning Point on the left.
  19. I'd also like to point out that @Cooke hasn't whined about the hundreds of millions of dollars that Trump has raised for slush funding his re-election/legal defense/direct to "charity" payments that has been transferred through so many hands in the past 3 years in which alot can't be accounted for. Or the 2 billion Kushner got, or 1.5 billion Mnuchin got, or overseas patents Ivanka got...
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