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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. 🔥 Man is kind of assume abs true burners, not the gentrified partiers are some of the most genuine people you will ever meet. You sound dumb.
  2. Some people in their transitional journey might have top surgery, but still have their born with genitalia intact or be on their hormone therapy stage. It's a sort of caveat to navigate potentially confusing or awkward social interactions or they dont feel they're at the stage to present fully as the gender they are transitioning to or from. See how everything these people is suspicious or worthy of mocking in your eyes? Nuance doesn't exist, there are no well meaning people. They are all scamming or desperate attention whores with fragile emotions. AGAIN,...like
  3. I think you boomer-like types just disassociate when you hear something you don't immediately like and just let your lizard brain fill in the blanks. There's a number of reasons why some people identify as non-binary and it's not necessarily because they don't think they are male or female in terms biology, but have in relation societal expectations of female humans vs male humans based on gender. I see chuds all the time saying "so they are tomboys, or androgenous...why not say that?" and it's like maybe an adult woman doesn't want to be called "Tom boy" like she's in the fuckin
  4. So it seems the GOP wont be releasing more video out of fear they will incriminate more MAGA chuds lmfao. Everything you guys touch turns to shit.
  5. Nothing is 'normal' about referring to an individual as "y'all" but people in the south have been doing it for over a hundred years and the world is still spinning. It's odd but people acting like it's breaking their brains is as charming like a rotting corpse. Lol yes it does. It's a deep seated thing. He even mentioned gender once or twice in his rant, and not grammar a single time. He later uploaded this reaction to a female clone of a male donor. So as futuristic and sci-fi as possible, but since it's a female clone based off a male character he h
  6. IT'S A CREATE A CHARACTER, dumb bitch. WTF? The player is tasked with exactly creating what they want. Some people make extreme opposites of themselves. some people make their avatars look like they do irl, some people try to create pop culture icons. NOTHING has been forced. You dislike trans and queer people so much youre like "this is stupid but also he's right." lmfao
  7. It's usually the the culture with better weapons/armies that have their culture adopted by other cultures.
  8. Barring how stupid your logic is here, Plenty of games refer to individuals as they/them because players can create a male/female character and many games wouldn't have male/female pronouns specific dialog. Nothing was done to anyone, nothing lossed of forced upon anybody. Yes, I agree. That is why I made this thread to talk about these right wing psychos that act like this is some war being waged upon them. Funny how you guys are blind to anything right wing all of the time. So the white guy dont do this too? Even in stupid shit like a fuck
  9. It's fine to enjoy your lifestyle and and modern conveniences but you legit celebrated colonialism, unironically. Tribal cannibalism aside, which seemingly claimed of nearly every tribal group from north, central, and south American. At a basic level, in a bubble, what gave them the right to enforce their culture on other people?
  10. There you go injecting your hangups on other people. You ever notice your negative cadence when talking about "woke" issues. It's always some untrustworthy, deceitful, or subjugation to the left or trans people or somethings. In your mind they couldn't have possibly put that in there simply to make it more inclusive in a non mechanical feature that doesn't impact the game except making the CAC seem a bit more robust. Or even just a fan service to a niche community on something that doesn't affect the game in anyway. It's always a boy transing to beat girls at sports o
  11. I never said it was a sales flop but it was a flop on the level of Star Field if not worse. To be fair no one was claiming that NMS was going to be the best game ever, like Xbox nerds did with SF but the devs didn't put their heads down and spend a full year fixing the game because it was so good at launch. They did it because they knew the game was a disappointment.
  12. How many games have you fill in information that never gets used again? Like the characters name or first name? Pluse we ALL USE PRONOUNS anyway or have them used in reference to us. People are acting like pronouns are descriptors no one uses but woke queer people. Like you never say "Where is she?" "I called him.", You dont expect to be called him or he by someone at some point? It's a thing because people keep telling you it's a thing.
  13. "When equality feels like oppression" as the saying goes. I watched a podcast years ago when the new Star Trek shows were dropping and the host made a good point about the Elon Musk fanboys types who like Sci Fi but for all the wrong reasons. Like Star Trek has been woke AF since the 60s. The world eliminated capitalism and currency. It's literally a communist, one world government. If someone wrote that today these chuds would lose their minds about how woke it is. Yet when things looked like they were going to be woke all the middle aged white gatekeepers were crowing on about h
  14. It's a retarded sentiment. Every work of fiction is based on some real world allegory. You'd have to go to like HP Lovecraft to find shit that is completely bonkers outside of our world. There's almost always some sort of moral message as well as details that we need to understand the world we're experience or it's not actually possible to be immersed. I dont know much about Starfield but it doesn't seem to be some abstract world that is vastly alien to humanity. It just seems to be in the future with space travel. It's also pretty fucking dishonest to claim real world influences completely br
  15. I mean it was. Y'all have to grow up and deal with Ls. Yes, the Xbox takes more Ls than anyone else but lots of stuff is good and even more it is bad. I heard No Man's Sky is good now and been curious to play it for years now but it sucked at launch. StarField doesn't suck, but it's a flop by SW hype standards. Definitely not sales.
  16. While it isn’t yet possible to fly directly to a planet and land on it, --- WTF is the point then lol.
  17. It's also making dirt bags lose their minds on Twitter/youtube. I approve of this game now.
  18. Lmfao these are the types of people that half of you like or agree with on most topics.
  19. What the fuck is with this "we feel bad" bullshit? People should feel fucking bad. It's called fucking empathy. I feel bad for Nanking, and Drefur, and Nazi Germany and Vietnam and none of my ancestors were responsible. I don't know shit about this story nor do I give a shit about Canada, but hopefully this was some great mistake but if it was in fact a hoax, I hope whoever is responsible suffers for faking such a heinous event. With that said, you didn't lose a blink of sleep over this and Omg flags were lowered! The tragedy of people having to manually lower flags a
  20. Lol how does "guilt free" history lessons go? And what is the metric for preventing guilt? I agree that kids shouldn't feel guilty for their ancestors but that is up to the person. Not to mention the optics of white conservatives editing and omitting the history of slavery and civil rights in order to please white people who don't want to hear about it. Then how did we as a society evolve?
  21. Basically the conservative push it to make curriculums that teach slavery/civil war/civil rights in ways that won't make white kids or their parents feel bad about what happened. This will be another chink in DeSantis' armor during this election. He basically let conservative consultants reshape their educational standards, which seems to only have a negative impact in FL.
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