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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Trump willing will make everything you said that was factually incorrect true?
  2. Well the numbers early on usually go for the Republicans and later votes for President, but This isn't a normal election. Never underestimate scared white people.
  3. lol Dude, it was over when Biden got the nomination unfortunately.
  4. Nobody is talking to you, ****a. Your Charlie Brown looking ass needs to sit down.
  5. I don't give a fuck that you're some sheltered incel from CT. You are a mod who locks threads you yourself don't like for stupid reasons while posting the kind of shit you pretend violates the forum rule. Like you've gotten dunked on so much and left because you were butt hurt now you're spamming the forum with your bait because you're upset you keep making a fool of yourself.
  6. Like he's supposed to be a mod right? Why is he being entertained this way?
  7. At some point after making a fool of himself long enough he probably decided to lean into this to pretend he was baiting if Trump loses or something. Typical message board virgn shit.
  8. I mean when your platform is "poor people are bad" when running for President...it's the kind of platform you want the least people voting to begin with.
  9. Lmfao nothing like mocking sexism and racism. Right? You're such edgy and intellectual. Fuck whiny non-white men bitching. I'll just mention his belief that all men are owed a woman. Basically it's unfair that women in general go after "desirable" men and there should be some sort of social contract that makes women available to the ones who can't get laid. So think affirmative action, which Peterson is against in situations like people of color in academia or government contacts but he is for it to get incels laid. And not jobs or a scholarship, but human women to be
  10. lmfao I asked because I've seen this coming from the left and the right and while I dont give too shits about SocMedia companies or care if they do get broken up. Those are some of the silliest reasons I've seen. What does "destroying sense making mechanisms" even mean? Not to mention you listed 1. Spreading conspiracies. 2. Affecting elections. To which running this Hunter Biden story as it was would have definitely been. So you in 2 replies completely contradict yourself. I mean anything for Trump right? @Literal Nazi Rudolf Hess I got another one, brother.
  11. "I'm not going to be unfair, but then say something completely unfair." Republicans are just as, if not more hell bent on Trump and more importantly local candidates win. Which is why Red states pioneer in voter suppression as much as they possibly can and unlike you and conservatives whining about Dems, I've yet to see any high level court decisions, arrest, or even legitimate finger pointing against the left. If you want to win at any cost, just say so. Don't try to gaslight people with stupid shit and hypocrisy to try to hide you have no shame.
  12. For the record, Peterson is problematic for other reasons than drug use or mental issues.
  13. The problem is if you line comments by bots, real Trump supporters, retards, or people baiting it's nearly impossible to tell which is which. It's not about who Trump is as much as what the terrible people who support him like about him.
  14. Yes, the slave owning, only land owners who were men could vote founding fathers would be ashamed.
  15. Fun fact, cities do this when their local sports teams win/lose championship games. People get rowdy. Only autist seems to have their panties in a bunch of Antifa.
  16. I just want tomorrow to be over with. There's definitely going to be some shit going down...not like crazy civil war shit some people have been aping but there's going to be thousands of protest regardless of who wins or loses.
  17. I have to give you credit for packing so much stupidity/dishonesty in to 3 sentences. To start, the election system in this country desperately needs to be revamped in order to increase participation. There is no reason why election day isn't a national holiday to make it easier to vote. Something that progressives have been pushing for at least a decade if not longer. To move on your bullshit points. Dems are pushing to actually follow the laws as they exist. Mail-in and early voting have been things for decades. Winners aren't always tallied in Presidential or local elections ar
  18. We need a president who does his fucking job. Not campaigns for the entire 4 years, golfs 1/3 of his term, watches TV for 6 hours a day, has hour long phone calls with TV shows or their host directly.
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