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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Since the other thread was locked I'll say the Trump cartoon was my fave. I'll also address Twinblade's problematic take on the Guiliani part. Yes, at no point was Guiliani made aware of the woman's age. It's part of the joke/swerve however TB somehow claiming "consensual" sex. At no point did she actually offer sex and he had started off the bat with inappropriate touching as soon as she mic'd him up.
  2. Yeah, the Obama administration entering office months after the Bush crash, and hot and heavy in 2 wars really fucked the country over. Meanwhile you've been licking Trump's taint simply because you're afraid BLM and ANITIFA are going to come to your house and smash all your videogames.
  3. I don't have an opinion on the actor. Holland is a fine actor. I just think the entire concept is terrible. The only time and reason people make "prequel" stories for characters is when they have exhausted the "prime" character or the actor best known for the character is unavailable or ages out or something. You do young Han Solo, Indiana Jones, or Hercules when you're out resources for the real deal. Nathan Drake is only known to fans of the games, not even they are getting the characters they are used to. They should have just gotten the dude who plays winter soldi
  4. What does living with your father as an adult have to do with any of what I said?
  5. lol Cukstz entire existence is to lie. I saw the movie and it was actually good. I dont think Rudy was jerking off but he was clearly trying to get his dick wet the entire interview.
  6. Lmfao they don't give a fuck about games. Like I told Jerry I think a couple of weeks ago. When I went to a vr and 360 trade show back in 2017 the focus was more about advertising and direct sales on the platforms rather than interactive games. FB wanting FB accounts is probably so they can track and sell. VR is a complete waste of time anyway. AR at least has a chance in a decade or so.
  7. Remember when Trump claimed he would run into a school shooting to protect kids that aren't even his.
  8. Like I know retards love Trump, and weak chinned half-men think it's edgy and awesome to like Trump because most decent people loathe him, the problem is all of you just look like idiots to anyone with a triple digit IQ. lol "OMG who can take Biden seriously?" Go Trump! Libs owned! Meanwhile Trump claims the sound from windmills cause cancer. People have to flush their toilets up to 15 times to rid the waste. Oh, he's also claimed that all faucets work better now because he's President. Wondered if Drs could inject people with lysol. Owes citi
  9. Color/pattern is different than design/construction. You sound retarded.
  10. How are people being milked if the company themselves arent making it? Isn't Apple preparing to ship phones without wall adapters or headphones soon? It's like you're professionally stupid or something.
  11. It's actually a good thing that Trump is such a belligerent racist idiot that he is a detriment to himself. Like everyone is telling you that something you're saying is racist, and it's actually not even helping do you... A) Stop saying percieved racist statements that have no actual benefit to you? Reversing the damage. B} double down and keep saying the racist shit which will only end you having to half-heartedly proclaim you're not a racist.
  12. That debate helped Trump more than cost him to be honest. He was a master compared to his usual startled gorilla in an elevator deamnor so the centrist can feel guilt free and retards that were going to vote for him can feel proud about it.
  13. It was sarcasm ...kind of like how Trump still calls Warren "Pocahantas." Trump brought up Lincoln first. You're just making a fool of yourself at this point.
  14. You do realize that Trump has debate prep too right? It's just that he has the mental and emotional competency of a child.
  15. You mean a candidate prepared for a debate? HOLY SHIT. #DEBATEPREPGATE
  16. Isn't a good videocard like like 300 alone? Yes, all things added up the PC experience can beat the console experience but PC fans have a habit of acting like a person can drop $500 on a gaming PC in one breathe, then post about new gaming cards with cost that make that cost impossible.
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