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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I've seen the girls one, haven't seen the ones with the kids yet. The original Ghostbusters is one of the few perfect movies I've ever seen so have a deep love of the series, will check out the newer ones soon.
  2. I'm not, I'm discussing a TV show. Run along, Gump.
  3. Lol of course you get mad at making fun of racist. Go make another Microsoft dick sucking thread.
  4. The better question is why did it concern you when Dems did it when you live in Canada? Funny how you have absolutely no convictions or honor and too stupid to cover it up.
  5. 3 eps at once too. I don't get this new thing of dropping multiple eps then going week to week after. I guess to whet appetites? Fair warning, the new character is making men of certain background upset for some reason. TLHBO will probably destroy his TV.
  6. only posting because I know how concerned Cooked is about this type of stuff and I'm sure he's too busy updating us about Biden's age every single day to do it.
  7. I just want you guys to admit y'all don't actually care about being mentally or physically fit enough for the job.
  8. Which is what you want in the first place,ao stop pretending already. Like how well do you think replacing both the President and Vice President in the middle of an election out of fear he would lose would go? Can you use that brain of yours every once in a while?
  9. Legit didn't see stuff like this until recently after he began unbanning nazi accounts on Twitter. All while categorizing "cismale" a slur.
  10. Yeah, wild that Biden would suffer for abusing his office and yet some how Trump can be openly corrupt and lose no support at all from conservatives and Republicans.
  11. You mean brought to a federal court where a president can pardon a convict?
  12. If he dies that is what a vice president is for.
  13. Lmfao Well it's obvious they have padded their schedule by sending the PC some sloppy seconds. It's not a good look to have ports make up the majority of releases, this gen kind of sucks so far but consoles have such long life cycles now, gen 9 still has years to mature.
  14. The score range for this game is wild.
  15. The big difference is that the ATF rule only prevents people from buying guns outside of their states lines while the FBI sought to prevent these people from buying guns inside their own states.
  16. That changes what exactly? That he went with the worse option? And lol at being a gun nut like they aren't some of the dumbest people in the country.
  17. Aak Jon, he brought it up. I'm guessing the answer is none since you guys keep dancing around said stupid question.
  18. I don't care. I asked asked a simple question. Which games did Sony release on PC this year that wasn't released for a Playstation console.
  19. Lol your sad ass didn't say Sony released more games for the PC this year than Playstation? IDK why you're avoiding saying which ones. I mean I do but making a point.
  20. Where are the republicans trying to take this man's guns away?
  21. Basically Trump killed or revised guns laws to let people on terrorist watch list, red flagged from buying guns because of mental deficiency, or possible criminals buy guns. He also destroyed a 50k background check wait lisr to buy guns, and reversed laws requiring they sell and promote guns lockers and other child safety measures for guns. So I don't think they really care about someone who uses drugs getting a gun.
  22. an individual leave a state with the specific intent to avoid prosecution, the new definition would only prevent those with a particular state of mind from buying guns. That’s incredibly difficult to prove. But Trump’s move isn’t just dangerous, it’s also unlawful. The definition change is a departure from long-standing FBI practice, and it came without notice or opportunity for public input, much less any explanation of how to prove the fugitive’s state of mind—a violation of the Administrative Procedure Act. He illegally purged 500,000 records from the federal background check system.
  23. It's wholly relevant and I'm well aware of this, which is why I asked about all of the PC games released this year "not on a Playstation console" like some kind of flex. They're just previously released ports.
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