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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lol you are so petty for no reason. I'm sorry that children weren't slaughtered?
  2. Now they coming for the Jews. Again, this is what I have been taking about the white supremacy umbrella that the right is fueled by. They used the vagueness of "wokism" as a platform to take on all of their political foes. It's the usual suspects as well too. Supposedly Nick Fuentes helped the hashtag gain steam and people like Matt Walsh and Elon Musk are promoting it. It's slick how the anti-groomer people quickly moved on to being anti-trans, then anti-black, then anti-feminist, to anti-jew in less than a year. For the Keith Woods is a self proclaimed "race realist"
  3. This could be a sign of bad things to come in terms of terrorism.
  4. "Because everyone loves a reminder of what the “Rich Men North Of Richmond” guy has going on, Warner Bros. Discovery is reportedly experimenting with integrating pop-up notifications into their streaming service Max via its upcoming CNN Max addition. Per Variety, WBD plans on announcing its non-stop news streaming hub “CNN Max” at the end of September." --- Maybe every media company shouldn't have gone down this path and just worked with Netflix and Hulu or whatever. Max has been shitting the bed lately and Disney is a joke at this point.
  5. I mean it's a personal preference thing. For early adopters or real gamers, they are going to get the new consoles as soon as possible. In the past 3 years I've only completed 2 games, so I'm not too worried about keeping up. Like my lizard brain wants to play GOW2 now, but I haven't even played more than two hours of GOW1 since I got it years ago. I just don't have the patience in my old age.
  6. I dont think Cooke or Ramza would even fall for this shit. Like watching this again, I'm more stuck on the sad production this was. I mean the host even had a fake beer on hand, and all of the dudes standing around swigged exactly on cue. These motherfuckers choreographed the whole thing and Cruz continuing to keep saying "Kiss my ass" as some tough guy punchline is so pathetic, then his goofy ass grin he makes like he did something. It's not just how sad he is, it's the state of conservative "news" where you have an entire "network" that's dedicated to weird ass perfomance shit li
  7. I'm the wrong person to ask. I don't keep track of gaming so I don't know what's out for what console except a few like the new Zelda or I guess Star Field.
  8. Ive been waiting until GT6 to get a PS5 but It's super tempting to get one now since it's kind of pointless to keep owning 2 ps4s that are just decreasing in value every minute but I also want to see what midgen upgrade they do to the PS5 first. I'm glad I waited until the PS4 pro came out to get one, but it's hard waiting. I honestly thought they would have officially unveiled on already. The PS5 has been out a minute at this point.
  9. lmfao but grown ass men playing Kirby and Splatoon are alphadog pussy slayers right?
  10. Lol one of the saddest pieces of shit on Earth. I still don't get how Cruz keeps getting reelected. He sounds like a cartoon nerd, is hideous to look at, is painfully unfunny, does the worst tough guy impression, can't even smile properly and jumps on every internet fad cause. lol motherfucker brought up Bud Light, and ceiling fans during this too. He's like a Veep character that Barbied himself into the real world.
  11. They can keep that then. The online service isn't nearly robust enough to justify the current price let alone another 20 bucks.
  12. Yeah, she's a nut job but she's cute. So is that awesome woman from Texas. I mean cute, she's not a nut.
  13. lmfao Ive said that about you about several times over the past few months, way before Christie said it to Vivek. Nice try though.
  14. You mean this google? lmfao keep saying stupid shit please. This is part of why you suck so much. The poll isn't good for either candidate but your lizard brain automatically makes this some op by Google to make a random poll not show up to protect Joe Biden to appease the DNC?
  15. lol I dont get why Cooke is always acting like a Ben Shapiro wannabe and making stupid alt-right influencer hot takes. He's like some offbrand chatGPT set to medium_conservative_cringe.
  16. Well this is new territory. This is possibly the oldest assembly in history outside of the AOCs and that hot latina from FL outliers. It's also probably the richest ever as well. A lot of these people are conduits to the donor class and make the right people a lot of money so they're invested in keeping them in power. There needs to be a bit of an overhaul at least in the House. There should be term limits, but also longer terms for house reps as well. Everyone should get 4 to 5 year terms, and a 4 term limit per position.
  17. lol You're so fucking pompous for no reason. I realize you think you're smart because you have such a one dimensional, cartoonish view of the world. So everything is black and white in your book so you think the easiest reaction is the obvious conclusion. The day you say something actually insightful or smart my head will explode.
  18. There's no accountability on the right anyway so it doesn't matter. The content is the ranting and complaining and insulting. That's all those people want, which is why they love Trump so much. They really just want anyone on the left to suffer and be miserable.
  19. It's the only option that someone could honestly believe Putin would respect. He's not an elected official anymore. He'll be running things in 5 years, 10 years from now. So any deal would only be as good as long as Putin finds it more favorable than absorbing all of the Ukraine.
  20. This fuckboy acting like this in public while trying to convince people he's fit to represent safe mental health is hilarious. The motherfucker looks like he's cosplaying as a Batman villain. Just remove the motherfuckers license that he doesn't even use anyway and get it over with.
  21. What is entertaining about Republicans is how oblivious they are to a fault. Ramaswamy could be making big inroads with younger centrist, but he has that braindead platform of raising the voting age without military service. It's so stupid because it's a platform that has zero support, no one asked for it, and it would never happen. And you have a presidential candidate obliterating millions of potential supporters advocating for it. Sometimes it's like the only thing preventing the world from ending is so many powerful people's inability to modulate their egos.
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