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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. It's offensive to retards to compare them to Vini. He chooses to be this way.
  2. But you dont really love videogames. That's part of what's funny, You only love Xbox.
  3. Follow you around? ****a in the last 24 hours you made like half of the threads on the front page. lmfao
  4. I like games just fine, I just dont jerk off to consoles.
  5. Same ones lemmings will be playing when it's on sale. Xbox 1 games.
  6. Get mad? ****a I find that shit hilarious. You probably shaved for the first time in months this week lol.
  7. I actually look forward to the mass casualty event MS buying an already in decline Bethesda. Watching rich people burn money is music to my ears.
  8. lmfao Jon this week was like "xbox is back!"
  9. You sound happy that a company you don't work for or have stocks in sold some consoles.
  10. lol Im much happier than you my friend. I'm not emotionally dependent on the perceived "success" on a videogame console.
  11. How soon after the xbox flops against the PS5 will Jon find this place unfun to post at again.
  12. 1 = 60 million votes. I think we over estimated how progressive we were as a whole. To be fair saying as a whole is honestly vague. More progressive than the 60s, or 20's, or 1800s, or 1600s. My biggest issue lately is people talking about MLK, most importantly republican white people talking about MLK in adoration...when in reality those same people during his time would have been vilifying him. Trump talks about "patriotic curriculums" that teach the real history of America...as if American history has been sanitized enough as it is. If MLK was alive today, and saying the same s
  13. We literally have a racist president running on a platform of going backwards. Then we have people who think they are liberal or progressive spreading watered down fascism and or intolerance. It's a perspective thing. Different battle, same war.
  14. I enjoy when Trumptards get all offended when it's leaked he said something terrible considering the shit he actually says in public.
  15. The obvious question that you never seemed to ask yourself all these years is "what's forced diversity?" By your definition any case of diversity is forced. Yes, it's awfully big of you to pretend that you wouldn't take a job, but you're the same guy who will claim someone got a job they didn't deserve based on your feelings.
  16. Please tell us the threat of queer actors and heavy people on TV again.
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