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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. To be fair, She pretty young, and very young in that pic. She grew into herself a bit and learned to do her make up. If she had anything done it was very minimal. The only compliment I can give her other than being opportunistic is that she's very attractive.
  2. Lmfao it's like sealing herself in a bubble of her like minded conservative men backfired. Men are trash from all around but conservative men are a special species of scumbag.
  3. Motherfucker is on fox talking about how the whole tnk thing will be over by election day. He would be evil if he wasn't so stupid.
  4. Lol good luck to anyone taking that vaccine. It's probably gonna be poison or some shit.
  5. It it what it is. Maybe if Trump cared about fair elections we would be in a better place. As it stands we're better off with lost "over votes" than people not voting at all. You can tell its bullshit since only Republicans are worried about it and lying out of their minds to terrify people.
  6. Uh huh, I am sure Trump people are fully prepared to trust the results if he tells them to aka if he wins.
  7. Same things happen with in person voting as well. There are no perfect voting situations. It's very telling that Republicans always seem to want as few people voting as possible. Especially since they few occasions voter fraud occurs, it's don't by Republicans.
  8. It's pretty simple, he knows in places like Russia you can do shady business deals if you have the support of the ruling class. Look at how he treats autocratic leaders versus democratically elected ones. The only consistency with Trump is that he's always got a grift on his mind. That and he's also has a perverted view of strength and thinks that being a bully is a good thing. He's fucking someone's granddad and trying his best to be a bully.
  9. There's the political term "day trader" which is someone who changes their views seemingly daily. As bad as the term implies, Trump's mind only "works" in 10 minute intervals so he's even worse, then you have the multipliers of his stupidity and dishonesty. This works when you talk to some suckers for 10 minutes into buying your snake oil before you skip town. However when you have to be held accountable (not that Trump has ever been held accountable for anything in his life)
  10. No, no, no, there always needs to be as much context as possible as to what happened and possibly was an unseen contributing factor whenever a white person wrongs a black one.
  11. Well Trump is the current President despite the fact conservatives can't seem to stop talking about the Clintons and Obama for some reason.
  12. That sounds like a very sustainable platform for gaming in the future.
  13. Gamer pass is the only thing they can charge money for anymore.
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