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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. So it's safe enough to open schools for 8 hours a day, five days a week, but not safe enough for people to spend one hour voting? OK.
  2. Lol I'm OG zdnet SW. Xbox had fanboys before they even had a chance to touch the Xbox for the first time. Atleast at that point both Sony and Nintendo had cred to be praised for various reasons. Xbox came out of the gate with rabid toxic fanboys.
  3. Love how you have to make sure you say "ghetto"
  4. You know, you cant be someone who both just pulls shit out of his ass and make proclamations of people not "proving you wrong".
  5. LMFAO do you actually reread what you say and not be like "that's absurd"?
  6. It's you to disprove my uninformed biased disproven-rhetoric rant!
  7. I guess I took for granted how unaware some people could be about stuff like that. Trump trading on "white flight" in 2020 is one of the most plain as day racist shit he's said since he called most Mexicans rapist and killers. You have to be either racist, stupid, or a combination of both to not see that for what it is.
  8. lol fucking ridiculous. Saying and defending racist shit is fine...just dont call out the racism.
  9. lol It's hard to argue when you can't accurately call people out.
  10. It has absolutely everything to do with race. You obviously dont know your history.
  11. Looks good so far. Do wish they had a couple more characters.
  12. That's kind of apples and oranges. No game has a 1:1 attach rate, even games that used to come packed into consoles. PC gamers (in forums) always seem to be able run any game on the highest settings, only spent $500 to build their ultimate gaming "rigs", both mock people for not being clever enough to build a pc but also claim they are as easy as a Lego set to build.
  13. I think Steam has that social media effect/gambling on hermshits and people just buy games at some point to get a quick rush.
  14. This fucking game hasn't come out yet? I remember hermshits hyping this game since before the SW exodus. lmfao
  15. the last dance was great. Nothing better than how fucking petty Jordan was. Like if a dude told him "good game" on the opposing team, he'd drop 60 the next game.
  16. Just finished Search Party. Such a great under the radar show. I only gave it a shot because I read a tweet about a guest actress and figured what the hell its on Hulu. It's like the perfect NYC millennial satire. The last 3 episodes are the hardest I've laughed in I can remember.
  17. Conspiracy theories aside, Police groups around the country including here in NYC have publicly made calls to not do their jobs anytime they come under fire in a big way with the intention penalizing the public.
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