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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Still cant beat a theater experience. It's not for all films but this is definitely a must see theater movie for me. Movie prices can be a bitch tho. Going on a date for the Harley Quinn movie ran me $120 total.
  2. Not all of us are TV nerds with all that noise but I'd rather pay VOD than watch a rip.
  3. For that they should just release it on VOD. That movie would be pirated to hell.
  4. It's the impression that I got. They didn't want to flat out say DLC but in reality there's no other way. I guess if they did invest a half billion dollars into the game they figured it would be a lesser blow if they could spread that across building the franchise off of.
  5. Even worse MS seems to want to go the GTA route and just release one game next gen and hope to live off of that game through expansions.
  6. In all honestly it's sad to watch that new Halo video. This series really deserved a legit reworking like they did with Tomb Raider and God of War.
  7. If this was a PS5 game, you would be dancing a fucking jig about how bad it looks instead of making up the most absurd shit. Like even saying "Well this is a 5 month old build" could be used as an excuse if a game is less than a year into development. This fucking game is coming out in a few months so it's not like that 5 month old build was some alpha build. You mean 3 months from release they couldn't cobble something together with the most recent build to show it's quality? Let alone the first fucking 5 minutes?
  8. lmfao Gynomite Cuck: That's how the engine works, the game is supposed to look bad.
  9. The only tyranny they care about is what inconveniences them. They'll generally be down for fascism.
  10. Some friends and I rented a house last week in PA. It was kind of fun to have to big house and tons of land to ourselves but not something I could do for more than 4 or 5 days. Having to drive 15 minutes to head to the stripmall to get anything is annoying. Shitty satellite was annoying. To be fair, currently I have no nightlife going on, galleries and museums are slowly coming back so it wasn't as big of a difference as normal. But I def prefer city life. I can literally get brunch across the street.
  11. Lol I can't say that there hasn't been some comedy gold from this fucked up administration. Hair in a can was fucking classic.
  12. The right wingers are fucking retarded and irked by anyone they are told to be irked by.
  13. What a week for lemmings. June 22: The empire will strike back. June 23: Uh......at least we can hope to get some PS5 games on PC too! June 24: Wild Trax source code y'all!
  14. Lol Xbox flopped so bad this ****a begging for Gameboy advance ROMS 😅
  15. lol Cooke is the king of whattaboutisms yet always admonishes others for doing it.
  16. I've had fun catching up on games I've missed during the quarantine. I'm damn ashamed that I didn't play GTA V sooner. I was thinking about getting a PS4 to play GTA V Online anyway.
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