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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. It's like he doesn't know how algorithms work.
  2. I honestly dont believe he's probably ever used the N word. Trump is more of a white supremacist than a person who hates POC. I mean that's a gray area as that was the zeitgeist.
  3. Open in private. Trump is literally on stage and on TV saying racist shit.
  4. You have a strange habit of finding altright propaganda all the time.
  5. Isn't the Rachet series one of the best selling and reviewed series? You think Sony who pulls the plug on succesful franchises would keep pumping out titles that do well? They're not MS.
  6. That pic is a lemming using his PC waiting as an e-brake to get out of getting owned DynamiteCop style or Vini style if you prefer. Why are lemmings always getting owned?
  7. You've been single handedly making laughing at Halo lame all day. Go take a nap, kid.
  8. Dynocrap Cuck is probably beating up some black people right now after seeing that reveal.
  9. lol Free ray tracing DLC coming. MS going Ike Turner on the lemmings.
  10. lol Status Meeting: We ideas for new alien designs. Something unlike what we've done before. How about giant shaved monkeys.
  11. I'm not the biggest R&C fan. They're welldone and all but they seem to be a mix of Ok platforming and Ok Shooting. Just not great in either arena, but that's fucking gorgeous. From an artistic and technical standpoint.
  12. The Xbox was never intended to be a stand alone console. It was always meant to be a media box. Tech and media advances as well as the gaming landscape prevented this til now. I'm sure the subscription model is what is touted the most internally at MS.
  13. lol This is how you can tell that game reveal was a flop.
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