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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. lol @ Outdated. I've only begun gaming again because of COVID and have gone back and downloaded older games I missed like SOTC and Pscyhonaugts and had a grand time with them. My GF grabbed her dad's NES and games and we rocked out on Mario Bros 3. We're eventually gonna grab his SNES and N64 as well. Good games are timeless and the thought of "outdated" only pertains to games that solely depend on hardware to be interesting. I honestly have better shit to do then spend time worrying about how many titaflops a console can do or playing a game at 500 fps. Once the PC gaming cultu
  2. Master Chief really needs a bit of a redesign. It's been 20 years and the look is beyond dated. When he stepped out of the ship on to what looks exactly like Blood Glutch and immediately began killing those alien gremlins who seem to say the same canned one liners that were cringe in 2001 like "Oooh, get 'im" I fucking lol'd irl. Halo is fucking tired.
  3. If jerry can turn cocke's thread about buying a fucking bluetooth speaker on Ebay into a 2 page thesis, he'll have a field day with this one.
  4. My in depth take on this show. 1. Halo - from the start. Then eye rolled throughout the demo. If you showed the gameplay and simply said it was an Xbox 1 remake of Halo 1 no one would even bat an eye. 2. Medium - Looks interesting. I'm not a horror game fan, but for what it seems I do like the split dimension stuff and the world presented does have potential to be a good time. 3. FORZA - Looks great. I mean all racing games do these days but this does look like what you'd expect from a next gen racer. 4. Rare - I laughed as soon as their name pops up
  5. 2020 and Fable is still infecting gaming 😂
  6. QUOTE me now this game won't be higher than a 70 percentile title at best.
  7. Everwild is sheep's revenge for lemmings talking shit about Breathe of the wild. Lol some how doesn't even look as good either.
  8. Thanks. While equally trivial, getting out of bed is more noteworthy.
  9. You mean Hermits? The same people that would actually buy this game?
  10. lol wasn't she dying at some point? I guess they just ran out of bullshit at some point to try and keep that dry ass storyline going.
  11. lol Spencer can just come out on stage, pull out his dick and lemshits would lose their minds and claim 100 mil Xsx's will be sold.
  12. I really dont see the point of owning your car anyway unless you bought it preowned. Like yeah, after like 10 or 12 years you now own an old car. Great? Like how many people actually drive the same care for 15-20 years?
  13. Yet it's still a more interesting design. If people dont care for it, that's fair it's personal taste. However it doesnt all of a sudden make the XSX design good or interesting.
  14. They dont really criticize Republicans on the sites he reads or Trump tweets so he doesn't have any information on this. Funny how "goverment overeach" is a problem with things like making sure food doesn't make people sick, healthcare, or wearing mask but the same people have no problem with a secret task force conducting illegal ops to salve one man's ego.
  15. A classic car buy is pretty pointless too as an investment. If you had the car when before it became valuable, yes. But buying a valuable classic car in hopes of flipping only makes sense if you have the money to burn and wont use the car much. It's definitely not a good investment idea.
  16. lmfao This is the first time I've ever heard this. They literally lose value the minute you leave the lot and it drops from there. Investments make you money, not lose it.
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