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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. So upset for nothing. So basically those pc games they released this year were all ports they sold before. There's a reason why you phrased it the way you did, fanboy. Lol
  2. What games did they release in 2024 for PC that wasn't released on a Playstation console? It's not complicated.
  3. Lol Remi is just shit talking. I don't think he's militant about any of this like some of the other Xbox wierdos in here. He's able to at least have a sense of humor about MS and Xbox.
  4. There seems to be be way more of the Sony begging than the other way around. I mean look at the thread we're in.
  5. He was accused of taking advantage of young men.
  6. It's because Trump supporters are fucking weird. Trump makes fun of rally sizes but in reality who gives a fuck about a rally? The only time you see people in head to toe candidate merch it's Trump fanatics. Nornmal people are driving cross states to stand in line for 7 hours to hear a politician talk on a regular basis. They are fucking cult weirdos. The other side of it there is that are no credible conservative reporters or writers or pundits. None. Even if one makes a good point or something you can see people getting behind, they will eventually say something completely untru
  7. This is the mentality that got politics to the pathetic state it is in now. I end up typing a lot because you guys pack so much ignorance and entitlement into small packages. This "even field" mentality needs to go out the door. Just because a corrupt former president is found guilty of a crime doesn't mean that someone of equal standing needs to also get convicted in order for the system to be fair. If Trump were anyone else with his standing, they would have gotten away with the shit he did and if they didn't have his standing they would have suffered far worse.
  8. It's funny how differently you keep reacting to this thing. It's people "begging" for MS 3rd party games in one breathe, but also taking a victory lap off of select Sony games on the other platforms.
  9. So we've now entering the new spicy Twitter era. They finally got a new sponsor. So now instead of seeing Cheech and Chong edible ads all day, Twitter is filled with sex toy ads. They also officially allow porn on Twitter. It's always been on their but with no actual endorsementsfe from management and Twitter could just delete an acct with too much porn without warning. They also made all Likes private now. Which most people feel are to protect people from being caught liking racist shit or stuff that might get someone "canceled" since so muc
  10. But they didn't and don't have to. MS has spent nearly 100 billion dollars in acquisitions and logistics for Blizzard/GP with a third place console that is rapidly losing relevance. Sony can afford to be cagier about their releases.
  11. So you're now making fun of Sony for not being as 3rd party as Xbox is after weeks cackling about Sony "going 3rd party"? Maybe it's time to find a new gimmick.
  12. Lol that bigotry power creep. First you don't want hormone blockers for teens now you're wondering how sex changes are legal.
  13. Still waiting for @Cooketo enroll in conversion therapy since these people are so on point. Don't be a hypocrite.
  14. It's reported crimes and arrest.
  15. No. While he wasn't convicted, so he should be able to make a living, he did way too many tasteless things like this "kill them with kindness" bullshit when people who accused him literally died. It's like he was trying to play off their deaths in some indirect way. My only real issue with him coming back.
  16. When was there a large year to year growth over a long period of time? Crime dropped each year Obama was in office and the trend plataued under Trump, then rose when we went from half of the population being on lock down-to-suddenly out and about and then things reversed to trend downward. It's like how Republicans compare gas prices under Trump when we first starting locking down and no one was using gas, so the prices plummeted to post Lockdown prices when demand boomed because everyone was back to normal again. So at best you have a two year bumb and t
  17. I'm confused, @DynamiteCopand @David P told us that it was getting worse and worse.
  18. Wonder if idiots on the internet are crying about the character model not being attractive enough for them yet.
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