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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Yes, I also thought the WiiU was an add-on at first but that's arguing degrees of confusion. I didn't think either was a next gen offering. A remodel of the same console isn't much better than a peripheral tbh.
  2. I know more about gaming than the average person and I didn't know the Series X was a successor console for a while. I think you underestimate how little the average person pays attention to gaming.
  3. That's a scapegoat. I'd like get it if this was a civil place before the subforum and the "political" slant has existed on this site forever. Without checking I'm sure if you forum search "liberal" or "SJW" you'll get consistent hits dating back as far as this site can search through.
  4. I dont care enough to drudge through your post nor need to as you're attempting to do to so in this conversation. I've already stated what I consider to be spam and what I dont. If you dont agree that's fine, but you're not entitled to reframing to fit your narrative. I have no idea what Jerry's intent is but yes, he'll reply to someone until they stop. I believe a debate to be "won" on the quality of the arguments, not on who got the last word. If someone's pride requires them to keep an unending discussion going in fear of "losing" that's on them. A fire only burns if you give it
  5. Was Halo legends real? I just thought DC posted that as a joke since the art looked like some kid drew it on some Xbox fanfic site or something.
  6. You're the king of arguing in bad faith so you have no quarter. Arguing in circles isn't spam and I have said the same of others like Cooke for example but I dont consider Cooke a spammer either. If Jerry or Cooke were posting in to the ether then that would be one thing, but as it stands regardless of their opinions or wealth of validity they engage in mutual dialog. Having to get in the last word is a personal choice people can make for themselves.
  7. The Vita was so idiotic I thought it was part of Sony self-sabotaging or something. The thing was barely distinguishable at a glance too.
  8. Revisionist and skewed history is your forte. Not agreeing with someone and spam are two different things. Spam is someone simply posting large volumes of nonsense in a vacuum. Replying to actual post with content isn't spamming.
  9. I think creating a subforum was good idea in order to keep the main board on topic of gaming and tech stuff. My one critique would be people creating topics in the main board that should have been in the other one. Inproper thread making shouldn't even be given the energy of moving and should be automatically locked.
  10. A post limit sounds retarded. I'm confused about the worry over "spam" or calling out Jerry for his "enthusiastic" posting. Isn't the point to have an active forum? It's not like people were just posting troll gifs and porno or anything. It's also ironic you of all people talk about putting a pause on race discussion.
  11. It wasn't that bad actually. MS lacking any sort of creativity and chasing trends used the 360 nomenclature because it was hot at the moment. Xbox One was stupid as it was a third generation console and all. Series X is retarded.
  12. As rare as it is to agree with Ghostz, that's actually why this forum exist. It was made because of Gamespot's absurd policing of SW proper.
  13. If we boil it down, is that any worse than people not liking each other over videogames?
  14. Anime is pretty trash. Agame La Kill was good tho.
  15. Xbox stans act like MS is willing to invest any amount of money into Xbox. They are 20 years and 3 generations deep in the game now and a 3rd place system and little runway for Xbox to ever be a sensational brand. They would have to be convinced that the amount of money invested would actually pay off for them. Not only would they have to pay for the studios and publishers and rights for these games, they'd have to then eat the cost of paying salaries, rent, insurance, and other operating expenses of running and owning these studios to get games they would get anyway as multiplats and could ju
  16. I wouldn't work that way either. It actually doesnt even make sense since they never actually owned the license to begin with. It seems they have been contracted to make the games. Of course that license probably lives with WBI and that would probably be some point of contention. To be fair, MS isn't stupid but they are not crazy. I'm sure they would want the rights to the Arkham series if possible and would fight to get that. At best I assume they would retain the rights to the existing games, so at best if this fantasy purchase were to happen they would only be able to rerelease previously
  17. Hmmm, doesn't seem that cut and dry. I'll go on record that if MS buys WBI they wont just get the exclusive rights to a Batman game.
  18. It could happen, but that wouldn't be how it would work. Sony owns the certain rights to Spiderman, which is even Marvel needs Sony to sign off on Spiderman being in the MCU. So they can develop a Spiderman game on their own. Warner Brothers owns the Batman IP, not Warner Games. MS just can't make their own Batman game without Warner Brothers' say so.
  19. Who says it would be exclusive to them? You guys have a very short sighted view on stuff like this.
  20. No more miserable post, just happy post like you wishing death on people for positing Xbox sales numbers.
  21. Maybe he realized that he's put in 20 years cheerleading for a flop console and reevaluated his life.
  22. Probably busy with TLOU2. Funny how actually having a game to play affects his posting.
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