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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I'm glad she's getting charged with something but I honestly dont think she deserves a year in jail over it tbh. Definitely a fine and some community service but I think a year bid is disproportional.
  2. Men dont have to be portrayed as sexy. Unattractive men always get the more attractive, younger woman regardless of what the look like in commercials, tv shows, and movies. No one is promoting eating unhealthy, they are promoting acceptance. There has always been, and always will be heavier people. If you want to talk about generalized healthy eating, then we'll have to address food being made unhealthy as a root cause. Like I said in the other thread, you're ignorant and lazy. You dont want to hear what you dont agree with, which I can't be a hypocrite about as I prefer not to suffer fools. I
  3. Please stop, no one buying that you can be choosy about women.
  4. One is selling a product, the other is displaying acceptance. If you want to compare beer commercials vs cigarettes commercials you have a point. People have no issues with fat people being the butt of jokes, being clumsy, or just there as a side character. Portray a fat person, not even as a sex symbol but as a confident person and people like you act like bitches about it. Kevin James had 3 TV shows where he had hot wives and no one batted an eye. Show a big girl dancing and it's some how the downfall of society. Like someone said before, when Michelle Obama was simply like "eat
  5. I'm sure there's an alternative reality where all of the lemming fantasies came true. MS bought EA, Nintendo, Sega, Valve, and Ubisoft. Sony went out of business, all faucets have Mountain Dew, and Sargeant Nelson has an onlyfans
  6. Your general retardation, or your hot take on this?
  7. Yeah, That's when I first learned of it. Im still surprised oxygen levels can even be measured that way. My watch has the feature but never used it before. All in all my S7 edge was one of my favorite phones. It's gorgeous, has a great screen and camera. No complaints about it at all other than OEM bloatware.
  8. Smaller or larger than the Tranny chaser community?
  9. Stupid people misusing a word means what exactly? What is even your point? Did they invent the word cult or something? Is there ever a moment in the day you dont say something fucking stupid?
  10. Advertising has historically promoted unattractive white men in power/sexual fantasies where they have hot wives/girlfriends and the world throws itself at their feet. Bucking the trend and showing different body types, family units, and such is fine and dandy. People on this board are butt hurt over BLM, Antifa, trans people protesting. Upset over Colin Kaepernick kneeling, upset over female game writers, upset over fucking ice cream commercials...it's like is there zero tolerance for anything that isnt coddling white fragility? I'm not aiming this at Sub, but the most vocal supp
  11. You bring up Q, and then try to call other people a cult? Q followers who believe Trump is fucking Batman or something?
  12. Substatic was replying to DC, who brought up Obama first. You lose again. Like the rest of your life.
  13. lol Does anyone even use that though? I dont think I ever touched that sensor before. TBF I didn't even know it was there until this year.
  14. 1. DC brought Obama into this. 2. Twinblade brought Trump into this. You retards can't even keep track of your stupid shit.
  15. Oh, that's where you were trying to go with the made up phone carrier lie. You're such a little bitch lol.
  16. Lol sick 2013 burn bro. ****a using phone carriers for attempted insults. Such a weirdo.
  17. Lol PSA. This is just another shit post because ghostz has some puzzling grudges with Samsung phones. Such a creepy little weirdo. He probably giggled and shit when he posted this.
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