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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Had to have some industrial hydraulic pipes put in huh?
  2. Yeah, youre a big tough guy because youre going to sit in a movie theater.
  3. LMFAO Seeing as the most interesting thing about you is that you became a mod on a videogame forum after 15 years of posting, are you really in any place to "swipe left" trivially?
  4. It's amusing but tiresome when stupid people act like they are smart. You've hit peak tiresome for someone who's often wrong.
  5. You're pretty much the bottom of the barrel.
  6. Today was a good day. Got a new gadget I've waited a week for to come in, and made sushi for dinner, You seem extra salty today.
  7. lol You want me to leave right? Why would I give you something for free? The price goes up tomorrow FYI.
  8. Kind of sorta. There isn't anything this can do that a modern lens can't do. Vintage lenses are actually pretty popular with SLR videographers as most modern lenses were really made for automated use, so they have super low profile dials and motors. Which make focus pulling potentially a liability. Vintage lenses made for full manual love larger dials which are easier for twisting and pulling. They can also add a bit of filmish look. I've stopped using film cameras forever ago, but modern gear can have a very digital look to it. This particular lens is popular because no two are e
  9. That would be cutting response if this was a telezoom lens.
  10. It's such a shit thing too since like fucking Micheal Vick was able to get a contract right out of jail. The NFL has used "redemption" as an excuse for years then simple blackballed a man which now in hindsight they are forced to acknowledge they were on the wrong side of history.
  11. lol Pay me $500 and I'll have Alph nuke my account. If I ever return I'll refund you the money. You've got nothing to lose. Also since you begged me to make a thread I did, enjoy!
  12. Just got this in the mail straight from Belarus. It's an old AF (45 years?) Russian made camera lens. After WWII some thieving Russians stole the method of how Ziess made their lenses and then began producing their own version.
  13. When it reaches $500, send it to me and I'm gone.
  14. He's good enough that if he beat up his wife, was caught driving high on PCP, and shot a gun at his neighbors, he'd still be playing. I know you hate black people and wish slavery was still a thing, but he didn't deserve to lose his career for fucking kneeling.
  15. If you want me gone, it'll cost you $500.
  16. Sounds like you're projecting a bit. I dont have to cry about my problems on here like you for support. Get some therapy, shitbird.
  17. I'm not assigning any sexual preference classification on you. You can be gay for pay, or in this instance "gay for play?" and still be hetero. I was more juxtaposing the situations to show the irony in your logic that going to a gay bar makes someone gay, but sucking a dick doesn't make you gay. You honestly seem like you need some sort of therapy.
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