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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. We all know TB's batting average. Here's the thing, him saying he may not accepting the results is bad enough. There are systems in place that will prevent him from trying to stay in the White House but having the President say this is damaging to the voting apparatus as it is.
  2. Yes, but Antifa and BLM are destroying America and terrorizing good white folk.
  3. You're constantly whining about Antifia yet always act like COVID is NBD. Last I checked, Anitifa hasn't killed 170k people.
  4. New normal can mean better than before. You're limited by your imagination.
  5. The way the framed Kingpin in this scene. Fuck, they made him seem huge.
  6. My dog was alive I can't imagine turning her over to be killed in this way. Then again it's also affluent people in NK, so it's also an issue of your dog your life. I just dont get why someone doesn't just kill this motherfucker tbh.
  7. Not for lack of trying. Trump would burn the entire country to the ground if he felt it would benefit him in any way. There's no altruism in the fact he didn't get us into a new war.
  8. I mean the Dems aren't angels here. They never actually explained why they didn't allow for temporary benefits to be paid during the negotiations. I assume it was a bargaining tactic. I get why they didn't want the full new deal, but they were also forcing an all or nothing that definitely going to cause damage that didn't need to happen.
  9. He's actually one of the most influential artist in my life. I've wanted a book of his art forever and just googled to see and finally they released an oversized book with his DC work...which to be honest isn't his best but I'll take what I can get. He has a youtube channel where he live draws different things and I do like his new style in that format and hope he makes a book of his freestyle stuff. His Xmen run is what got me into comic books and sketching in general. I've still not seen someone match his rendering abilities in the medium.
  10. Trump literally brings menus of military weapons and vehicles to meetings with foreign powers. The proposed UAE/Israel accords has undisclosed numbers of jets and possibly other weapon sales in it. Trump's SecDef was a top MIC lobbyist. This is a fallacy.
  11. That's not how that works. Cocke is Canadian, so it doesn't matter but Vini is a good example. I've said similar things about him in 2016 when he was a Bernie bro. He eventually went on to support Trump. I dont think Vini or Cocke are conservatives, but both fall for right wing propaganda meant as a slippery slope into the "alt-right".
  12. I'm not commenting on a single screen shot from a trailer, I'm commenting on the trailer in it's entirety. I haven't seen the movie, nor plan to so I dont know what happens in it. I'm simply stating the story the trailer portrayed. The Netflix poster is stupid and quite honestly shittily done one at that. I can however see how people could feel it's overly sexualized.
  13. I honestly dont think it's as sexual as some of you are making it out to be and it seems more about a cultural/generational theme played out in extremes. It's not like kids their ages aren't dancing like that in real life.
  14. To be honest I dont think Cocke realizes he right-wing. Like he's not being deceptive, he probably thinks he's a libertarian or something.
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