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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. No. There's griefers but you won't run in to many. Unlike GTA that's an open lobby, RDO you can only see or hear players close to you and since the map is massive and they utilize all of it, you can ride around for hours and actually encounter other players if you're not in a major town. Even then, most players are more peaceful and friendly on RDO. Except for having a bounty on your head most players won't even take notice of a player.
  2. Maybe this is why democrats vote mostly democratic, or Jews, or women, or gay, or Trans people. Conservatives and Republican always welcome bigots with open arms and make excuses for them.
  3. Yes, he was convicted of *checks notes* buying a gun. Oh, because if there's one thing Republicans are concerned about it's prevention people from buying guns.
  4. The world is so woke now that a pretty white girl who said she N word on TikTok became a conservative hero. That's the power of DEI...err wait. @Cookeand @Twinbladewere right. Musk brought much needed dignity back to the Twitter platform.
  5. I dont know? But if the main console is getting lapped by its competitors doesn't that just mean they will just support the other companies with GP since Xbox can't justify having it be only for pc and xbc players. It's almost like a curse in disguise for the console.
  6. Looks like Assassin's Creed. The graphics are nice but if the combat isn't on par with GOT it's unplayable to me.
  7. So far most of the humanitarian groups over there have confirmed more of the Gaza claims than Israeli ones. Israel has killed more hostages than they've rescued, killed reporters, killed aid workers, at least a quarter of the casualties are children, and the prisoners they've taken have been beaten and tortured. The people they've rescued turned out to be in far better condition and received better treatment from Hamas than Isreal has treated any of their detainees. One of the rescued were more worried about being killed by the IDF than anything during the operation.
  8. Funny how you call "Trans ideology" a religion as if religion isn't the motivation of this club of doctors. Since they are so legitimate and you fully agree with them, I assume you'll be enrolling in conversion therapy now to become a little hetero cunt? Edit: it's cute how you just ignored the fact you keep lying to try and make a point. You're such a bottom feeder. "No Diddy"
  9. Who still gets excited about phones in 2024?
  10. There's 700 members, not thousands, and they accept non doctors so we can't even say it's even that many. The thing is the number of members had been brought up like two or three times already and you still chose to lie and say thousands to make it sound more legit.
  11. So these two idiots have been on a tear lately about how the left is going too far because they want some sort of cease fire in Gaza. This is the problem with twitch elevating fucking videogame streamers into the politics arena. To the point Wu is now sympathizing with Gamergaters of all people. Cooked's. favorites taste maker commented on this so he'll be talking about this soon.
  12. I don't bother my friends with trivial questions.
  13. That's why I don't watch the videos that idiot posts here.
  14. You're not even American so what do you even know about taxes here? What about the taxes are out of control for you? Tell us what the tax rate is. What they used to be, and then what republican tax solutions exist. Last I checked when they had total power they passed new tax rates for rich people, and big land owners, and people who inherit fortunes. With a small adjustment for some people in the working class that was to expire for them in a few years, while the tax breaks for millionaires didn't have a sundown. Biden has pretty much upheld Trump's border policies so
  15. Oh it's true now! Just wasn't the other 49 years before. Lol I love when dumb people try to be clever.
  16. Lockdowns are hard to measure since it relies on everyone actually adhering to them and there has resistance the entire way. Seeing as the opposition to mask, vaccines, was to nothing. Not sure what people want.
  17. The same thing Republicans have been complaining about every single year for the past 40 years regardless of actual trends.
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