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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Pride is for everyone. I'm not Irish or Mexican and celebrate St Patrick's day and Cinco De Mayo. I have a ton of Gay and Queer friends and it's great to celebrate with them. At some point there has to be a ceiling for your retardation.
  2. Dont really do the parade route any more. Here in NYC they have a sort of festival thing that runs parallel to the route. It's kind of like your average street fair just a bit more corporatey and obviously queer. Less cramped and panicked than standing in place for the duration of the parade. Plus pride is pretty much all month here now, so it's more than just a parade.
  3. It's definitely more fun and less homoerotic than a bunch of confused dudes going into the woods for days at a time.
  4. That's because you aren't very bright. Anyway, stop hating yourself. Pride is awesome and it's a bummer than NYC Pride had to be cancelled in it's intended form.
  5. Pride celebrations are awesome. You're truly fucking miserable.
  6. Lower than loving xbox so much another man is pleasing your wife and raising your kid? Take your boney ass to ResetEra then motherfucker. You dont give a shit about the love of games. You just get some pathetic rush posing "bad news" about Sony and acting like a proud dad (too soon?) any time something happens in the world of Xbox.
  7. You'd think you would be used to Xbox being in last place by now.
  8. lol The perfect business model of designing games exclusively for the cash rich/game poor last place console maker that sells like shit in Japan.
  9. Never too late to quit.
  10. The amount of work Sony goes through to lose money is dumbfounding. Like they could literally just have a dept whose job it is to just light bundles of money on fire and they would still be more cost effective than whatever R&D, manufacturing, and marketing must cost for shit like this.
  11. Wait, they are also releasing a console called series S? Lmfao the flop is going to be strong with this console.
  12. Bro you wake up every morning researching "bad" news you can post about consoles you don't like so you can feel better about Xbox. You're the one emotionally invested in all of this.
  13. Lmfao I couldn't care less which fucking console is better. I'll play and just enjoy. My favorite camera system is Canon, but for the past few years Sony has been cleaning the floor with Canon systems. I can admit they are not the best and feel no shame. You work hard defending Xbox for some mysterious reasons for 20 years now. Like why?
  14. I bet the man pleasing your wife and raising your kid probably has a PS4. But you get a better port of Mafia 2. You're definitely winning.
  15. It's 2020 and lemmings are clinging to mafia 2 to make themselves feel better. 😆
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