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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Ironically,you're whining again. Your point? lol Cucke pretending to laugh because he can't actually defend himself anymore. "bu bu deflecting"
  2. I dont get why launch titles are so vital to people. Like if a console comes out with no games you like, just fucking wait til it does. The last few gens have proven that getting a console at launch is a risk gotten a lemon anyway. Just wait til next holiday season and shit. Damn.
  3. You're really trying to play this game? 1. It's not twisting, it's nearly verbatim what you've said in the past. Yes, I'm sure you've learned to soften it over the years but that "white guys in Canada" is almost word for word how you put it in the forums before. 2. You're not on the side of progressive movements, hell you're actually irked by them more than anything. Even Saucer is saying you're wandering into the weeds with this stuff. He doesn't see it as Alt-right but he views everything in a binary manner. Yes, you're whining about CW TV shows, pancake, mix and ot
  4. I do find the conflict in someone who openly claims that "white people in Canada have it harder than brown people" informing us of what POC should find racist or not.
  5. lmfao this is really why he left. He knew the daily beatings he was going to have to face.
  6. Yes, I love pancakes. This however is more logs on your bullshit fire of "white grievances" that you and Ghostz have been on all summer so far, and to a degree Saucer. The "clever" angle you guys are trying to use: "We might look racist for complaining about black people, so let's just make this whole thing about white anarchist!" It's this unending goal of you guys to basically reduce everything currently going on as silly and pointless by solely focusing your energy on what you perceive to be silly or pointless and indicting the entire movement and everyone in it that way. The o
  7. Your point? Do you really think Cucke gives a fuck about pancake mix?
  8. With Jon and DC leaving the forum after even they couldn't find enough to pretend to love about XSX, this place needs as many lemmings as it can get.
  9. lol Like I said, dude has some alt-right or white nationalist RSS feed or hangs out at r/donald reddit or something. Cucke's post way too much white grievance/MRA/alt right propaganda for it to be simply a coincidence. Either that or Google's algorithms are on point and find curate all the white power, anti-POC material.
  10. Laura Ingraham isnt stupid. She would know they could and just not care. It was the girl from the Fox and Friends show. You know, the President's fave show.
  11. There's a vid of a Fox News host interviewing a doctor about these numbers and she's legit like "I didn't know kids could catch COVID." ...and she's the fucking host of a news show on a major news network. It's like half of the population is gleefully stupid and misinformed.
  12. This new alt-right tactics you guys seem to love is making random, trivial, and at times completely disconnected points to make whatever you guys dont like seem completely absurd. Absurdity generated entirely by your own hyperbole and intellectual dishonesty.
  13. Poor conversatives. Only half of the population are fine with their ideology despite nearly always being on the wrong side of history. They have it so tough.
  14. If you're an xbox fanboy, good sales and reviews isn't what you care about.
  15. Yes, you pick and choose what to believe. What's your point? Are you really bragging about that?
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