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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Ooooh, more of that casual racism you think goes unnoticed lol. Is this you lashing out at the world because of your deformity or something? Edit, yes I realize that it's a bit rude to ugly shame you.
  2. I actually live in a 1 BR, but wouldn't care if I lived in a studio. This is what I mean by you have a child like mentality.
  3. Despite being a 30something year old man you sound like a child all the time. Probably why you still live at home.
  4. Your family really did a number on you bro.
  5. Your unresolved incel issues prevents you from seeing past yourself obviously.
  6. Quick observation about this whole thing over the weeks is the most skeptical people are also the least intelligent ones here. Interesting.
  7. Why are you like this? Seriously, what is wrong with you?
  8. Ghostz works with stupidity like Kanye West works with classic soul and R&B music.
  9. Jesus pages of you guys arguing over tech biting. It's tech, everyone bites everyone. Samsung spent half a decade biting Apple, and Tim Cook is a visionless drone with no soul who just follows whatever is trending in the industry and Jobs is probably spinning in his grave.
  10. Diplomatic way of saying racism. I would say where's Cooke but he's just as xenophobic and racist so he wont have a problem.
  11. Actually started playing TLOU over the weekend. I like the design and gameplay, it's just such a serious game after playing SOTC, GTA 5, and Trine 2...yeesh.
  12. Then why the fuck is your stupid ass talking about it?
  13. DC seems more like he beats women than simply hates them from afar.
  14. Bust systemwars told me they have better than ever.
  15. 1. Personally I dont think it's fair/right for a parent to begin transitioning a young child. 2. I'm not a parent or mental/physical health expert so what I dont know what the hell I am talking about with that as I'm sure it's a very complex and life altering choice to make. So I really dont express my opinions on it as it would never pertain to me.
  16. Why do you pretend to come here to discuss games? There's hundreds of bigger forums dedicated to chatting about games. What you want is to make cunty, lazy threads about how much you don't like non Xbox games.
  17. Uhhhh, that's something for an individual to choose for them self.
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