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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Isn't choosing to play Xbox instead of satisfying a woman pretty gay?
  2. lol so anyone that makes fun of your love of xbox is gay? LMFAO
  3. I ordered Sushi last week for lunch and the delivery guy came earlier than expected while I was shaving and I ran out to the outside door to take the order and realized I didnt have a mask or gloves on...we're so deep into the quarantine my reaction when I realized what I did was gasp like I was in some nuclear wasteland without equipment lol.
  4. 2020 and consoles devs are still having to settle for 30FPS...like what's even the point of new consoles anymore.
  5. Good to see how enlightened and empathetic you guys are. You all sound well adjusted.
  6. Suicide doesn't victimize someone else and Holy Ax isn't trans, just a sociopathic misanthrope so it's all good when he eventually ends his misery.
  7. I mean it's not super original, hell there was some Black Mirror that was similar but with a spouse rather than a child. It's just such a tasteless angle.
  8. Mark Twain said something along the lines of it's easier to believe a lie than admit you were wrong.
  9. I dont defend lifestyles that victimize people. I sound like a broken record but you're not clever enough to play this game.
  10. Also the story itself has plenty of meat on the bones as is. A father with a child replica for his dead daughter is actually quite compelling on it's own. I really dont see the need to throw incest in there. Or just do a sex robot story with an adult femmebot. Shit like this is just stupid.
  11. Oh, so we're doing this now. There's nothing shameful about being gay and I wouldn't pretend to be straight to impress a forum full of people where I only respect less than a handful of the people in it. I like how you ignore the fact that I was with a female date at the party, but no big woop.
  12. I'd say the part that is disturbing is using a real 10 year old to play the robot. Although they did shield her from the making of the film...it's like why not just get an adult actress altogether.
  13. Funny, that's how most people feel about Lemmings.
  14. Always funny when bodies hit the floor in the first few replies.
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