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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I criticize those who champion disenfranchising people of color, women, and LGBTQ people. Who are fine with corruption and unsustainable quality of life for the majority. That all just happens to be the right wings jam. I'm glad you hung out with punk kids in the 70s-80s... Only flaw in your simp brag is that you're comparing boomers you grew up with to the generation you're whining about. It's tomatoes to oranges. I wouldn't use xe, but I also wouldn't handle the situation where I actively complain or needlessly offend someone. I would just not address their pronouns
  2. Lol where to even start with this. It's not my job to police anyone. I don't even know what you and cocke are coming from with this policing talk. I don't use xe or xer but also I have never met a single person who uses those pronouns and I run in circles with queer separatist, anarchist, femme supremacist, heathens, and disassociated WASP. So that seemed to be a self corrected issue unworthy of concern. Now you're comparing the president of fucking united states to random hypothetical college kids?
  3. Oh god, you obviously learned some cool new far right fringe buzzwords this weekend have been beating us in the head with them. What is the pink pill, Alejandro Jonas?
  4. Oh geez, another intellectually dishonest, overly hyperbolic shit post. I thought you were arguing in good faith.
  5. True, dude's only capabilities is gas-lighting. The only time he's seems even remotely not-retarded is when he's weaving his most cynical and laughable lies.
  6. I mean...yeah. It was a smart decision tho. I'm sure the handheld market was starting to shrink. I haven't seen a DS in years. Hell, I barely see Switches out in the wild.
  7. LMFAO that was my favorite of all his bullshit. This man who doesn't even offer to share his umbrella with his wife or child in the rain is going to run into a school to take on active shooters to defend other people's kids. I like that the press is finally after 5 years decides to do their jobs. I get that Trump uses the podium to his advantage and very selectively does interviews but like you have 24 hours to fill, you can find some segments to cover his lies and corruption. CNN could fill probably 2 weeks of content on that.
  8. "my side" is common sense and accountability. Last I checked Antifa was a decentralized radical organization. I get it, that alt-right and right leaning media have made Antifa the boogiemen for many of you and subliminally made them defacto elected representatives of everyone who doesnt hate gay or brown people. I dont have "call them out" because I've never claimed to align myself with them.
  9. Your dignity doesn't have much worth then. The most dramatic case of misuse of pronouns ever was at a gallery after-party where one of the artist who I met once asked if I wanted to smoke with their friends and when asked how we met I said "I met her at a mutual friend's show" and they said "I go by they", I smiled said noted and the conversation went on like nothing happened. You'll spend half a day arguing with Jerry for things you dont even believe or care about yourself so you have the bandwidth for it. Vegans, Cross Fitters, Trump supporters, Gun fuckers, anti-maskers are all
  10. I'm willing to bet I know more people who identify as "they/them" than everyone else on this site combined, and it's barely ever even an inconvenience. It's not a special handshake and how often to you have to address someone by their pronouns? Do people do it for attention? Yes, a good amount of people do. It's also human nature and many people use different means as to feel "unique". Ultimately it doesn't cost anyone anything so it's a sad flex to be bothered by it.
  11. My point is the point. Defunding police means restructuring resources so instead of gear and more poorly trained officers there is an system in place that can offer appropriate responses. An emotionally disturbed middle schooler doesn't need a cop whose only tool kit is physical force or someone having a bipolar episode doesn't get shot because they are not responding to arrest procedures.
  12. Orrrrr, Cities can reroute funding to help police deal with situations that they're not generally prepared for like responding to psychologically distressed individuals or disruptive minors? That would work out better for civilians and the police than tanks and grenade launchers.
  13. 🤣 While I don't have any problems with Rogan, he either coincidentally or by designs increases stupidity in too many people. That Nazi guy who got punched and Gavin MacGuinness were right. Alt right types always seem to gravitate towards talking heads that fit a certain demeanor/look. They think because it's not some boomer or bimbo on Fox or a madman like Jones yelling that their stupid opinions are validated.
  14. Lol stay scared boys. Tim Pool and Ben Shapiro will tell you how to think.
  15. I mean Jon was entertaining in how much of an Xbox fanboy. His begrudgingly reviews of Playstation games was fun to watch. Like watching a vegan describing eating a cheeseburger. FWIW I think he is a forum vet and SW is better with him than without.
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