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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I like where you quoted me, then added something I didn't say immediately after to both give yourself cover and muddy my comment. Pure Saucer bullshitting to get into a pointless argument yet give yourself cover drivel.
  2. For the record, liking Trump automatically shows a person is either stupid, racist, easily subjugated (Vini), dishonest, or an opportunist.
  3. No you never did. You started with claiming you were going to give Trump a chance despite his obvious trajectory you some how believed he would both pivot and upkeep his promises. For one you were all about his being so LGBTQ positive and he had a gay CEO on stage and we saw where that went. We see where his swamp draining went. We see where his race baiting went. Pretty much he's nothing you said he would be and is everything people were concerned but you "like" him. Yeah, ok.
  4. Actually, you have no spine or belief system. You seem to just be a true beta, which I dont say to insult you but you just follow any perceived alpha in your vicinity. It also doesn't help that you think you're much smarter than you really are. Funny you're finally able to admit you like Trump after 3 years.
  5. What exactly did MS do for Minecraft that they seemingly cant manage to do with literally any other game?
  6. 😂 This ****a probably had a big smile on his face when he made this thread. You must be dead inside.
  7. Imagine being such a devoted cuck that you wake up and congratulate one of the most soulless billion dollar megacorps in the world on sales of a product they didn't even create, they just bought off of someone. Hell, a cuck would at least feel some sort of sufficient shame. This is even lower than being a cuck.
  8. His false Yang praise was always his sad way of laundering his Trump vote.
  9. lol Epic gives away one game that's mad old that cost $9.99 in digital format and ya'll sucking their dicks like they paid off your CC bills or something.
  10. This is why I said Vini is retarded. He was all for Andrew Yang and the UBI...which I said a lot of, if most people would be against and would be viewed as making people lazy freeloaders. Now this same bitch during this pandemic is saying the same exact shit I said people would say about UBI, against stimulus payments.
  11. We'll see what happens when the consoles drop. Yall fighting over theoretical shit at this point. The only given is the Xbox will finish 3rd place again.
  12. I'm kind of confused why there is another one. While I do agree the healthcare system should be revamped but something like UBI wouldn't "buy ICUs" or whatever but it would be a more prudent step to a healthier country. GIving people money to buy useless shit is what stimulus means and its intent. So people go to their local barber, mechanic, pay rent or order a pizza. Yes, it's not big picture things like infrastructure but it's intended to keep tedious life functioning.
  13. How the fuck did yall make this many post in such a short time.
  14. I'm for whatever's best. I've done a couple "remote" shoots so far but do want to get back into the grind. How about you? You live with your grandmother so I assume you want her safe as possible.
  15. Vini is an idiot. Bernie Bro turned MAGAt.
  16. 2 minutes in and realized that IDGAF. I was going to order a couple SDD drives the other day but it's not very cost effective. Can get two 4TB standard portable drives for less than the cost of two 1TB ones.
  17. At the end of the day the PS5 will outsell whatever abomination MS puts out so just deal with it already.
  18. According to that article bitch axe posted It's not concrete and I didn't even hear about this until now so I dont know more than what was posted what I can only image is a low-key right wing rag considering the POS person who posted it. It may possibly be a reach, but it's also not a big reach. The tone of this entire article is to downplay Trans discrimination and it's plain as day.
  19. Another day, another racist post by HolyAx and Ghostz just chuckles along. Interesting.
  20. Graphic design and illustration are completely different professions, Anti-genius.
  21. I like Don Julio. I met a sales rep at a party a few years ago who told me that Don Julio distills for Patron and they just put it in their bottles and sell at higher price.
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