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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. lol Jon pretending he cares about racism.
  2. Yes, having a blow dryer and taking half naked selfies in your grandmother's bedroom are equally embarrassing.
  3. How you gonna strip to your undies and take a pic in your grandmother's room? That's the saddest story ever told on the internet.
  4. We've reached the round where ghostz is desperately trying to bugs bunny his way into getting other people to argue so the heat is off of him. LMFAO
  5. You're so ugly you are scared to show your face on a forum you've posted everyday at for 16 years.
  6. Sadly that would be the most likely scenario for Ghostz getting laid.
  7. LOL Yeah, I'm going to find a few post from like 7 or 8 years ago to prove the biggest liar on this forum lied. You do realize that no one believes anything you say right? You dont have a mandate to call people out to prove anything against you.
  8. LMFAO Ghostz desperately holding on to me being racist because I sarcastly said I care slightly more about old black people than white. I'm sorry bro but there's no way you havent gotten laid more than a couple of times and probably because you date raped someone or something.
  9. Occam's razor says a pathological liar with crippling low self esteem issues, who was on a family plan, lived in a house with wood paneling, decorated with doilies and old people furniture, who on a whim took a half naked picture in said old lady room, then a week later took a pic with a colostomy bag that he had to cover up with his sick mother was staying with him, who is now saying it was his grandmother...probably was just living with his grandmother or mother and telling some tall tale of his million dollar lawn mowing empire.
  10. Funny, that wasn't the story you told us. "One of my properties" LMFAO
  11. Sold your lawn mower on Craigslist? Ok. Yeah, I'm sure tons of people are desperately looking to hire someone to hire a kid to mow their lawns while they're inside doing nothing.
  12. Took a short walk for some OJ and apples since it's 80 degrees today but still in quarantine.
  13. Graphic Design was never where my interest fully laid. I prefer PM and have hopped back and forth. My dad was a photographer so I grew up shooting and at some point I was given a choice to make a lateral movement to be inhouse photographer and operate semi-independently in the company rather than be one of 3 production designers and I took it. It rekindled my interest in it and I invested in my own gear and did freelance design/photography work. How's lawn care technology these days?
  14. Remember when you posted a picture in a old lady's bedroom and you claimed it was your "guest room"? Then a week later you posted another picture and had a colostomy bag hanging behind you?
  15. The Home Depot parking lot looked empty last time I was there bro.
  16. I've been a Graphic Designer, Project Manger, and Creative Staffing Director as well as in house Photographer. Working at Marvel Comics, Penguin Random House, Scholastic Books, Paragon, and have worked on special projects for Hulu, QVC, and Samsung. What exactly do you do?
  17. Please try to make sense. You're the ****a who still hasnt posted a face where your entire head wasn't either cut off and all the reflective surfaces were also boxed out.
  18. Buh buh, I'm not racist y'all. lol What an ugly bitch
  19. Here's a spoiler. You never had to look for a job. They only require that a person doesn't turn down work. There's no real way to confirm someone is looking for work. Again you make a fool of yourself. Just stop.
  20. In North America its for posers who really drink Budweiser or Amstel Light when no one is around.
  21. That's always Cocke's move. When he gets called out enough he then pretends he was kidding.
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