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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. What a person who isn't retarded would ask is how charitable people are and how the feel about social "entitlement" spending on a governmental level. Not some idiot premise of a self imposed tithe of their salary. You can't even pretend to not be a dumb ass.
  2. There's a whole world on the internet for insecure incels like HolyAx to congregate over all their perceived enemies. Imagine dedicating this much energy towards a game you were never going to get anyway. lol
  3. Your lack of critical thinking skills is what leads from this drawing to this stupid ass thread. Like I told you before, stick to "TLHBO" . Anything more complex that leads to you exposing your crippling insecurity, stupidity, and hypocrisy.
  4. How am I deflecting? I never once claimed that I was liberal so this doesn't even pertain to me. Deflecting is not answering queries asked to a person directly. You're too dumb to play this game effectively.
  5. Even spicoli called out why it didn't make sense. Your retort doesn't make sense either.
  6. Stick to Nintendo bait. It's terrible, but doesn't expose how stupid you are as much as when you leave your lane.
  7. I finished the first 8 episodes a couple of weeks ago. I was wondering if they would cover the gambling and hit man rumors in it. Was surprised and happy they did. I have to say I'm dying about how petty they show Mike was in episode 8. It's funny as shit.
  8. It's pretty accurate, you're just an idiot.
  9. Oh ghostz, we can see through your little facade. You got sweet talked into subbing to some girls onlyfans and now you're all "Lmfao, ever heard of this brehs?" Ugly boy in quarantine problems lol.
  10. Jerking off to free porn isn't any more respectable than paying for it. You need to get your mind right.
  11. Wouldn't this require there to be a specific fingerprint for each individual physical copy of the game? Like when you get a combo movie, they just give you a serial code for the digital copy of the movie. It's not like like the physical copy is paired directly to the disc. This also means that the physical copy of a game could potentially become worthless then. You're introducing more problems than solving here.
  12. The only thing I could think of is someone needing the physical disc to authenticate the digital version of the game which would basically negate the "advantage" of the digital release.
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