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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. It's not that complex, I believe his point is Ubisoft doesn't release a assassin's creed 9 on Playstation, then other platforms four to five years later. They drop it all at once. They build their teams around multiconsole logistics. Most of Sony multi releases are second hand ports which I guess is the case for MS multis as well.
  2. You pitched the most ludicrous ideas ever. Like companies moving their staff outside in llke parking lots and shit. Then your one month extreme lock down where no one can leave their houses and have to get everything delivered to them. When I asked you how that would ever work logistically and your smooth brain really thought it could easily be done. Other than Trump talking about using lysol to treat COVID, those were the two dumbest suggestions I've ever heard. Saying 6 was made up is disingenuous since it was well known it can travel up to 17 feet but like it's unr
  3. Saw Bad Boys 4 last night, surprisingly solid. Way better than the third but not as good as the second one. Will Smith is a bit absent in this movie, not screen time wise. They did a bit of role reversal and Martin Lawrence is a bit more assertive than in the past and he honestly carried the movie on his back. The direction and cinematography were pretty good too. They relied on the visual template of the series but added some new stuff thanks to technology, alot of which was in camera, which I love. https://x.com/unclescrooch/status/1797992458401484949?t=YHp5zKQ9Mkcc
  4. Lol Cooked name dropped them like it was a 'nuff said or something lol.
  5. Lol nobody gives a fuck about your Dr Bones ass. You followed me around for month lying about me until I paid you attention. Desperate to be relevant ass.
  6. You just finished lying about me driving someone to near suicide. Yeah, you call people miserable or angry or lonely because you're all of those things.
  7. Lmfao here you go again with your Low fan fiction. I doubt he ever got upset to the point self harm, he started with me most of the time. I left the site to go to SS and the dude was still talking about me even when I wasn't here for 5 years and when I came back I didn't even acknowledge him, yet he was still asking for me to get kicked out. Then when he became a mod, he had it taken away in less than 4 days because he was banning me for no reason and giving me negative forum points also for no reason either. Don't know why you're sucking his dick so hard but it's funn
  8. Lol if you say so, it's not like I'm hiding it. Everything metro back then is normal now. Just sad that it got co-opted by Neo-Nazis and pua artist trash.
  9. I said a coworker said that about an outfit I was wearing. I'm not ashamed of it.
  10. It's not our place to have this discussion. I'm not making decisions for someone I don't know's child. I have several Trans friends and have spent years working or along with different Trans people. I had my first crush on a girl when I 6, first kiss when I was 13, lost my virginity when I was 14. Because I'm straight most people wouldn't have a problem with any of that besides the virginity thing, because more or less it tracks with most people's experiences. If a gay person said all of the same things but about a guy, it would problematic because they view non strai
  11. I have a good memory, like when you were stalking that young kid xternity on Twitter for years.
  12. Oh, so credibility doesn't matter in a situation where credibility is paramount? Cooke didn't post the auto workers union or Los Angeles Lakers views on this topic for a reason. He posted it because they are a medical association, which people hope operate in good faith from an unbiased position. This is very much a right wing outlet comprised of few members and usually represented by only a few individuals. So, no, it's not some concensus amongst hundreds of doctors, it's an advocacy group with political party loyalty. Funny how you guys go so hard to normalize anyth
  13. Motherfucker you legit posted a bussy pic on here, so who are you to call anyone sassy?
  14. Why? Because I pointed out this group of less than 700 members, I can't even call them all doctors because they literally allow non doctors to join has polotical motivations? Funny how facts and truth mean less than you hearing what you want to hear. “instead of celebrating propaganda from a fringe medical group (that allows non doctors?) with agendas at face value" Fucking clown world. You're the same clown who was proven wrong in another thread and simply didn't care about the truth. You just want your biases confirmed for you.
  15. Do I say cringe shit like "gonna play that on da pass!"?
  16. Lol you're really pissed that I'm right about that. "Daddy Elon is a next level intellect!" stupid ass. You always do this dumb shit.
  17. You can check their entire feed. All they talk about is anti-abortion, and anti-trans, "traditional families" hysteria. It's almost like they are a right wing conservative think tank or something. Seeing as they only sort of media they credit is places llke Washington's Times, new york post, and wall street journal, you know the papers fox news owns.
  18. The only politician they follow is Mike Johnson? Oh and they follow tabloid former methhead and racist Liz Wheeler? Random.
  19. I've got more don't worry, you're about to get dunked on again.
  20. Another interesting thing is they only follow about 250 people. Which is fine, they are a medical non profit and all. But most of the people they follow are conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundation of and FRC. They don't follow any non-partial sources. Including the Manhatten institute that employs someone I've mentioned several times: Christopher Ruffo. Who helped kick start the Trans teen hysteria.
  21. Yet people do it for some reason. Makes you think...well not you. But some people.
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