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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I assumed they were, I mean electronics don't seem like a vital thing. I'll check now? They are sold out on the BB websites.
  2. So the girl I've been quarantining with really decided last night we should get a switch. She's more of an Nintendo type and has a Wii and classic NES. That shit is sold out everywhere. To be fair no physical stores that sell them are open either but like used switches are going for more than new ones. 🤔 I was thinking about finally buying a PS4, but with the 5 coming out this year doesn't really seem to make sense now to get it. Just wound up ordering some extra ps3 and 360 controllers for now.
  3. This is pretty shitty.
  4. By lol dude I've been rocking those since like 2001. I know exactly what they are. Hell in Chinatown they sell the bulk packs for 22 bucks or something. They are in at least half of the Bodegas and supermarkets in NYC.
  5. Bayonetta is what you call over designed. Definitely so much going on it becomes forgettable despite so much going on.
  6. Lmfao they cost like 150 a pack, 199 at like higher end corner stores. You act like it's kobe beef.
  7. Lol heaven forbid one thread not be about jerking off to computer parts.
  8. I got a free subscription...it's Ok. I only watched Mando and some Marvel movies on it. It has Nat Geo so I'll probably check those out at some point.
  9. LMFAO that looks like a fucking mobile game.
  10. Anakin vs Obi Wan was good for like 30 seconds then turns shit.
  11. It's better than anything outside of the original trilogy.
  12. Lmfao kokoracha trying to solve problems he created for himself.
  13. It's 2020 and consoles are still trying to hit 60fps. How about you do 60fps and whatever graphic loss happens, just happens.
  14. Who the fuck is buying the Switch? I see like one person a week with one. Back in the DS heyday I would see multiple people with one per day.
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