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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Jesus Christ, so this dude stops whining like little girl.
  2. The aggressive nature is strange. If some asked nicely would be one thing.
  3. Lol I've posted pics in the past and posted one a few days ago. You mad thirsty bro.
  4. I never said that I was above average looking.
  5. Lol hermits used to get upset when I would make up names for peripherals aimed at gamers but Jesus. Lol "huntsmen" like it's a fucking crossbow.
  6. Uh, I have no problem with my complexion and don't think anyone should, no matter how white or dark their skin is. You've obviously suffered from colorism for at least the past 15 years now. It's fine that you chose to be a weeb, but hating your skin color and brown skinned people is truly sad. This level of self-hatred explains quite a bit about yourself; Why you are so obsequious to white people, yet vitriolic towards POC. Hell, your name is literally "black man" in Japanese, like it's your scarlet letter or something.
  7. Maybe I'll post a pic tomorrow since you asked so nicely.
  8. That's totally not an abuse of power. No wonder you fought so hard to be an admin of this place. Feel good about yourself?
  9. Dude, I didn't even acknowledge your existence when I came back. You're in here rambling bullshit about people getting their teeth knocked out like we haven't seen your slim Jim arms and shit. You couldn't punch a hole in a wet paper bag with brass knuckles on. You seem obsessed about this party meanwhile you out here getting metoo'd by white boys at ghetto house parties. Lmfao "paper soul" you posting selfies walking around dead eyed, looking like you're about to shoot up a school.
  10. Damn, you're heated lol 😂. I'll address your half dozen replies to my one post here. We were at the dances of vice Halloween party, and they had a latex show by her favorite latex designer/friend "the baroness". For what it's worth, she's super cute actually. I had dark face paint on under the mask to make the effect more dramatic in person. I don't even know what A fat Bruce Ghandi Wayne is. Makes me wonder if you know what either Bruce Wayne or Ghandi look like.
  11. Jons a PC Gamer now? Man Xbox really had a bad gen.
  12. I'm not interested so I'm going easy on this dude but like he's begging for me to go in and shit.
  13. lol I can never understand how people can love fucking companies this much. I mean, yes I am emotionally deficient to a degree, but can you imagine being offended for a billion dollar corporation that does nothing but seek profit?
  14. lol She's 5'6 and wearing 6" Pleasers. You get pegged by dudes for the lulz so I fail to see your point.
  15. Bro, you some how have an afro and dreads. Why throw stones?
  16. My date was a girl tho? And I find it funny you keep using gay as an insult when you suck dick for fun.
  17. I honestly can't think of a single thing that a person would need to torrent anymore.
  18. All of the console names are stupid. Although switch was actually accurate for both the console and the men who still play Nintendo consoles in the 2000s.
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