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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Posts posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. 4 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Have you guys not seen the prequels?


    How exactly is Star Wars in a worse place now than in 2004?


    The only real criticism that makes sense is that Mark Hamil, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher only have so much time left, and therefore these movies needed to utilize them as best as possible.

    It's in a worse place than it was since the TFA.


    There's plenty of legit criticisms of current Star Wars. Main and most potent is that they didnt plan out their main trilogy. Having a set plan for 3 different creative teams to do each movie individually was a complete disaster since they didn't have a point man to guide the ship. Marvel was able to lay out over 20 movies across multiple IPs and 10 years to culminate in the most successful movie in history and they couldn't effectively just do 3 is pathetic. 

  2. I love Star Wars, as much as anyone can but this Disney SW era was a misstep. If they felt this was successful they wouldn't be putting the brakes on the IP for a while.  They rushed out the main trilogy without a good game plan for how to lay these movies out across 3 movies. Hell TFA, and TLJ were both set up movies which put the pressure on ROSW to basically function as the second and third movie rolled in to one. 

    • Upvote 1
  3. 2 hours ago, kokujin said:

    ^ or you leave. seriously. you can't pretend to want to be friends with anyone here. serve your vile ego elsewhere. You are no where happier than any other human being. You might even be this sad alone and unvalidated if you need us to think the most of you that bad.  Seriouisly bye dark ugly fagg niggah. 

    Lol I half forgot what a hateful gremlin you are. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 6 hours ago, kokujin said:

    you've seen 4 pics of me over the course of 6 years. You have no clue what I look like. Seriously, just fucking leave. you're too insecure and homeless on the inside to make friends, and no one's buying your cool dipshit now. You're the king of the nerds and internet. go PIMP elsewhere and convince people you matter. You're a shitty ass person, and I personally wouldn't give you a chance after over a decade of terrorizing people because it entertains you and you just can't handle your own pain.   I recently trimmed the baby hairs myself and they look better. Thanks for caring. Now roach away. 

    King of the Nerds & Internet is actually a title to be proud of, so thank you. I'll admit I have a bit of whiplash, I simply posted one thing and have the two head bitch boys come out of  nowhere playing both victims and bullies.  I dont know if y'alls suffering from some PTSD seeing me again but maybe y'all should just STFU and be easy.  

  5. 6 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Just came back from seeing the movie. I thought the movie was fine.


      Reveal hidden contents

    I thought that they should've done a better job explaining why Palpatine is back instead of just including it in opening crawl text and Palpatine giving Rylo a line about something.


    My friend who watched the movie with me said that Palpatine was making clones of himself, which was that crowd of people in that chamber at the end.


    They should've ended The Last Jedi with revealing Palpatine. But whatever.

    I think these movies have them go to alot of locations, and what they do on these new planet locations isn't very memorable. Even though the planets looks cool and unique.


    It almost felt legit badass if that lightning strike took out every ship and everything started crashing down, but they didn't have the guts to show that and to have on-screen deaths come from that.


    But this is the result of 5 Star Wars movies in 4 years. People just want to see it get to the finish line.

    I mean the stuff you're talking about would require planning and clearly JJ just pulled crap out of his ass with this movie. 

  6. 4 hours ago, kokujin said:

    that doesn't undo the reason you're back. Just leave. You are gross and a crustacean of cancer.  Roaches never seem to fucking go away.

    I originally came in to snag a smile. I went to SS first but it's down so came here. Decided to just say sup, but since I've received such a warm reception and it's the beginning of a new era I might stick around a while. Looking through the thread it seems you finally learned to moisturize.  FWIW it's cool your dreads made so much growth, might be worth it to have someone twist the roots before they look too..."homeless". 

  7. 2 hours ago, Goukosan said:

    why did you leave out actual $$? :mjpls:



    After six days, “The Rise of Skywalker” has earned about $259 million domestically, and $516 million internationally, putting it well on pace to become Walt Disney Co.'s DIS, +0.03% seventh billion-dollar movie released this year.



    Its on Pace to make a billion dollars :tom5:

    Why are you so proud of that?

  8. 13 minutes ago, -GD- said:

    Eh, I find the original boring. Different strokes. Again, the new film was far from perfect, but it’s not as bad as some critics make it out to be. 

    I liked ROSW, but it's a complete mess. The story is ridiculous, the editing is terrible, the pace is chaotic and it's just a bag of fake outs and conveniences. From a critic's standpoint there's very little good to say about the movie other than sound design and SFX. I dug it because I love SW, but as a piece of cinema it's trash. 

  9. On 2019-12-23 at 6:40 PM, -GD- said:

    A new hope is held in high regard, due to its “first of its kind”  visuals. The story wasn’t that good. Empire takes a massive dump on it. 

    ESB is a better story, and had far better directing that SW, but SW was more than just visuals. While the story isn't very complex when you look at it again, especially 40 years later, it's perfectly paces, edited nearly flawlessly and the story beats line up perfectly as well. It's one of the tightest stories in the genre ever. I actually rewatched this on Christmas with a critical eye and all the story beats track efficiently and progress organically. There's no plot holes or conveniences. 



    you are diseased. not only a e-stalker but now you wanna be a real one. 

    lol get off my dick faggot. Stop blaming your shitty, lonely life on me. I didn't do anything to you.



    ain't no one blaming anything -- my life's fine. You seem to cry more about it than me.



    you're a dicktwat tick who needs to be flamed and ridden of.



    I'll be on your dick till you stop acting like a chimp. :)


    So you're going to keep obsessing over me. Great. :roll: 



    z you've got some skills but i think if you want to become a 3d artist (especially at nintendo) then you should focus on making lower poly models that can be used in game engines. What sucks is that there are few very tutorials on this subject out there

    i found this one a while ago and it seems to go pretty in depth. The author near the end ends up tweaking the topology of his model so that hes able to export a lower poly version into unity


    unless someone is an autistic genius, they would never learn enough off of tutorials to land a job at a place like Nintendo.



    there are plenty of self taught developers working in the games industry.


    I'm sure they're not working at Nintendo. 

    he doesn't know shit.  just baiting with negativity. 

    I know you haven't gotten laid in 8 years, got fired from being a summer camp counselor and took 8 years to get a worthless 4 year degree. :)

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