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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I'm not sure what your point is. I dont believe in God or Jesus so it's not like I think the son of God said or did anything. The bible was written by literate people for specific reasons. I wager the power of religion to herd people was advantageous to the ruling classes of the world. What I am saying is there are a lot of people who fully believe in Jesus and believe the bible to be a historical record.
  2. That doesn't matter, it's a general election and historically his approval ratings pretty much line up with this mindset. Not to mention polling wasn't great for him the last time around. People answer polls and vote differently, most especially Republicans and Conservatives. Trump will get more than 40% of the vote simply for being the Republican nomination guaranteed. The election will come down to middle of the road/independents/purple states. It's still early and momentum is momentum. The trials stuff definitely will have some unpredictable outcomes as his core support hasn't wavered. He o
  3. Half of PC gaming is waiting.
  4. He means white people. He can't say it that way, which is why right wingers use "Western Culture" as the term to make it digestible. Christian Nationalism is the same thing.
  5. lol You try so hard yet everyone still sees through your bullshit. You always want to counter what you think is establishment without really caring whether its true or not. Also see you dodging Hotsauce's last reply.
  6. Him and Young Thug FIGHTING that RICO. Love it.
  7. You're not miserable you just love a videogame company so much it's part of your identity.
  8. Lol but not the honorable Xbox fanboys despite the fact this thread was made by one.
  9. This is years old audio, however he still believes the same things as he said similar shit this week.
  10. They just constantly find themselves hanging out with them and enjoying their company. What I don't get is how this fucking little dweeb is so popular. He's got some YouTube channel literally filmed in his mother's basement, yet is always in conservative media circles, and hanging out with senators and congressmen despite being vocally a neo Nazi. There's no ambiguity to his messaging. He openly admits being racist and enjoys letting the world know about it. The right always finds room for people like him or Richard Spencer or Jack Prosobiec and there's never anyone i
  11. Lmfao I'm not even sure what you are getting at. He doesn't want to wear a tie, they should just leave him alone. He's wearing a suit and and dress shirt already, it's not like he's wearing a hula skirt or something. They should let the man live and do what he's there to do. But like you exclusively seem to have heat for him.
  12. Mr Mallard has said he personally supports a change to the rules on compulsory ties, but kept the rules after he consulted MPs - saying the overwhelming majority of those who wrote to him supported maintaining the tie requirement. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she does not object to people refusing to wear ties, but that there are bigger things to be focusing on. "I don't think New Zealanders care about ties," she said. ---- It seems like other people were making a big deal about this. Seems like it wasn't even really that big of a deal and only people be
  13. Lol so kick him out because he doesn't want to wear a tie. You're such radical man of the people and totally not a boot licker.
  14. They never encouraged violence, you're already starting to lie. What constant infighting are they having? The McCarthy power play that was about a few commitee assignments? I'm talking policy. What policy difference exist with in the Republican party or even just conservative media? At most it's people just being slightly more cruel than one another. So I challenged you to post any external data to back up what you say and of course it's just whatever nebulous yet paradoxically clearly inaccurate political assessments you can think of in your head.
  15. An update on this case. Judge Norman K. Moon ruled Friday that Bhattacharya failed to show evidence that his dismissal stemmed from his comments. In the fall of 2018, shortly after the microaggressions panel, a professor told Bhattacharya he was concerned for the student’s mental health. Bhattacharya visited the school’s Student Health Counsel and Psychological Services , where a clinician petitioned for an emergency custody order, which was granted. UVA police escorted him to the medical center for treatment, where he was hospitalized for two days. Two days a
  16. lmfao you really have zero self awareness.
  17. Lol plenty of those are actually true. What is your point exactly?
  18. No that wasn't your point, you called him crazy because you assumed he wasn't credible. All it takes is one guy to get you to believe anything you want to believe. Hypocrite. Hell, you base your beliefs based on gossip and conspiracy theories that exist in the ether. I've spent the last 18 months asking you to provide receipts for your beliefs and nothing has been posted so far. You don't even have "one guy" to back up what you claim. Again, this is what I mean by about dishonesty and stupidity. The right is "divided" on what? Trump or DeSantis? Both men who
  19. "What seems to be popular in this moment is not so much a prosperity gospel as a depravity gospel. In this depravity gospel, appeals to character or moral norms are met not with appeals of “Not guilty!” but with dismissals of “Get real!” Yet this depravity gospel tries to lure us in. It doesn’t matter if you get to it by adopting it outright, with glee at cruelty and vulgarity, or if it drives you to the kind of cynicism that doesn’t ever expect anything better. That way lies nihilism. You will find yourself in situations, and you may be in one of those situations already, whe
  20. So is this you being disingenuous or stupid? It's lazy to claim Trump was under scrutiny because most times it was his own damn fault. From nearly the beginning. He's had the most corrupt administration since probably Nixon depending on a person's views of the Iraq war. The thing the Kushner or Ivanka stuff really didn't ever dominate headlines and I'm sure you had no energy for it anyway. If this hunter Biden stuff has you this concerned it's weird you would never bring it up til now.
  21. No shit, Sherlock. You never complained about anything Trump or his staff did.
  22. God, Hasan Piker can be annoying AF but earlier in the week he was going on about the closed door hearing being held and his prediction was that it was with the intent that the public wouldnt get the information first hand and Republicans can let real details be leaked in deceptive ways and I thought he was being a little to conspiratorial. I swear there is no bottom to low right wingers will go.
  23. You didn't care before Biden. Where was this energy for the Trump administration? You are only pretending to care, we call you out on this everytime you bring it up.
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